I've read somewhere that it only takes 7 second for someone to make a judgement on how you are as a person and in those 7 seconds they judge you. But people need to turn those 7 seconds into several months before they actually judge a person.
As far a judging goes, I know I'm not here to judge anyone, and I don't try to. But its hard some days. Depending on the situation that brief encounter with someone will change your perspective and will build a wall up between you, if it didn't go well.
But stop making quick assumptions and judging others so quickly. Unless it is a situation that is life or death then take time to get to know someone.
I can't count how many interactions I've had with people who are friends now, that would say, "Oh I totally thought you were a b*tch" or "I totally didn't like you in the beginning".
Really I can't stress enough how important it is to take the time to get to know someone before you write them off. If that person you call your friend now, you didn't take the month or two to try and make a relationship, then where would you be now? You would have missed a very fun relationship.
So stop quickly judging people, and be more open to having conversations to know them. Put your phone down and be real with someone. You never know who you could be passing up as a really good friend.