Everyone is an expert. Especially on social media.
This age of technology that we live in has brought many great things to this world. Many lives are saved today that would have been hopeless cases just twenty years ago because of modern technology. Social media, another new-age invention, has brought people together as never before. It's a great platform, but there are two sides to every coin.
This new age and many of its inventions have made cowards of the general public. We no longer have to air our grievances face-to-face, because hey, we can hide behind the keyboard and be passive aggressive without actually having to confront anyone. We are passive aggressive because we must be able to deny what we actually mean, because again, we are an age of cowards. What's even worse, people can bash each other all day long on social media, but will be sweet as pie in person. God forbid someone actually confront anyone or be rude in person; that's just "uncalled for." Taking it a step further, being so connected on social media causes most of the grievances.
Somewhere along the way, it became a crime for people to have differing opinions. While everyone getting along and singing Kumbaya would be great, that's just not the world we live in. That world would be quite boring, actually. I'm not saying that people having issues with each other is bad, but the way we go about settling our differences poses a huge problem in execution. I have seen plenty of rational, polite differing of opinion on social media that actually turns into good conversation of both sides of an issue. However, too many people are ignorant and were obviously never taught how to have a conversation with someone who does not agree with them. "My way or the highway" does not work in the real world. Some grown adults have yet to learn that. Furthermore, a personal issue should be just that: personal. Airing dirty laundry out on social media is just plain stupid. Keep your private matters private, because no real issue has ever been resolved on social media. We should not give the general public front row seats into our personal business. Who would even want that? It makes no sense.
Get out from behind the keyboard. Talk it out. Move on with your lives.
Passive aggressiveness is petty. Nobody likes a petty person.
When in doubt, remember the old adage: "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all."