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Negative Stereotypes About Your Zodiac Sign

Ask yourself: are they true?

Negative Stereotypes About Your Zodiac Sign

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The whole point of asking your new date "what's your sign?" is because we all know certain signs have certain personality traits associated with them and we want to know from the start where this is headed. Not to say I believe these stereotypes are true by any means, but you can compare your personality to the description of your zodiac and see what adds up correctly.

1. Aries

Aries are known to be confrontational and hot-headed, displaying their superiority over everyone around them. It's likely that Aries-type people are a little self-centered and into themselves. They have no problem arguing for a straight hour over whether or not they left the faucet running, even when they know they did. On the other hand, they are also very determined and ambitious, maybe to keep their position on the high-horse.

2. Taurus

Taurus just wants to be rich and famous, with new designer bags on their wrist every morning. They always have to have the newest iPhone, the coolest watch and a closet full of high-end clothing. Taurus-type actually fear not having these things, they need them to stay afloat and feel as though the rest of the world envies them. Besides being a bit superficial, they also can be a really good source of advice for fellow peers!

3. Gemini

I hear a lot about Geminis, mostly things about them being hardcore partiers, a teensy bit crazy, and actually quite rude. Gemini thinks they are the hottest creature to ever walk the Earth, maybe they are. Geminis' mood can fluctuate with the weather, one day they are happy and bright and the next, they are feisty and spiteful. The Gemini symbol represents two people, maybe a representation of the two faces Gemini has. Trying to keep up with this type of person could prove to be a real hassle.

4. Cancer

Cancer appears to be a giant, emotional wreck. If you say anything too harsh, they might just burst into tears. You know they will stay extremely loyal as a friend or partner, but it might be like tip-toeing on ice in a relationship with them. They care with their whole heart, but sometimes caring too much can be a negative thing. Take a chill pill, Cancer.

5. Leo

Leo wants to see their name in bright, shiny lights. Your typical Leo can be found pursuing their dream as the center of attention. And if their love for being in the spotlight isn't enough, they truly think they are the only ones who can be there, too. Perhaps, underneath all of the ego, they have a ton of insecurities that they hide behind.

6. Virgo

Out of all the signs, I think Virgo is one of the signs I hear the least negative comments about. Virgos are known to be super intelligent, maybe even a know-it-all. They might choose to curl up with a good book in bed, instead of coming to your 21st birthday. If you are able to delve under the surface of their smartness, you'll find an extremely flirtatious Virgo waiting for you.

7. Libra

Libra thinks they are the fairest one of all, every time they look in a mirror. Libra wants to look like a complete snack, in everybody's eyes and it wouldn't be a successful day if nobody complimented them. If you know a Libra, make sure to shower them with your approval to show how much you care. Or maybe, try and teach them that true beauty comes from within.

8. Scorpio

Okay, I'll try not to be biased on this one since this is my star sign. Being that I am a Scorpio, people tell me all the time the things they assume are true about my sign. I'm told that I'm extremely stubborn, lustful, and manipulative. Basically, the three worst personality traits to be combined together. On the other hand, we can be emotional and protective of the ones we love to the extreme.

9. Sagittarius

Oh, the sarcastic, lazy Sagittarius. They'll tell you they are humorous when in reality, they aren't that funny at all. Known to be the laziest sign in the zodiac, they won't take their responsibilities very seriously. Commitment? Won't happen. Dating a Sag might be a hard catch since they are known to be quitters. They love going on spontaneous adventures to take their minds off of what they really should be doing at the time.

10. Capricorn

It might be hard to take a Capricorn on a date since they don't ever take a day off of work. They love to work until they can't work anymore. They are very concerned with how their boss views them and if they are getting the promotion before their coworker. Working isn't necessarily a bad thing either, but too much of anything can be a bad thing. Go on a vacay, Capricorn.

11. Aquarius

Aquarius loves to show off their artistic abilities and prove their talents to the world. Aquarius are also known to speak their mind, even when nothing should be said. Arguing with an Aquarius might seem impossible since they won't ever let you have the last word. Make sure to bring evidence if you plan on making a point to one.

12. Pisces

You might know the Pisces as the hopeless romantic, who would do anything for the one they love. If things don't go their way, however, a new side of them is brought to life, the ruthless, heartless side. Sometimes doing things for love isn't peaceful, and Pisces knows how to do it. If you're on Pisces good side, you will be fine. Do them wrong, and it could end up badly for you.

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