The Social Media Struggle: The Comparison Train
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The Social Media Struggle: The Comparison Train

You're not alone. We've all done it. Clicked on the hot girl traveling to yet another city. Showing off her belongings to her 100k+ followers she's never met. We don't want to be her but the post still peaks our interest. Why is that? You're not alone, girl.

The Social Media Struggle: The Comparison Train

Have you ever caught yourself getting lost in some random chicks instagram profile, just stalking her photos and saving some as inspiration for your next insta-post? And it's kind of become something you don't really think twice about at this point. Not that you want to be that girl, or are trying to replicate her post as a competition-Insta-battle, it's just something girls do these days! But sometimes, you just can't help but get a little jealous. As a 22-year old writing this, I feel like I'm not as alone as I think I am at times. No matter what people are posting on Instagram-- how happy, successful or adventurous their life may seem online -- it's not yours. Yeah, that sounds blunt and harsh, but think about it: every person has a time to shine and the opportunity to grow. For some that happens at an early age. They try something out and it sticks, and by age 19 they're living in a downtown apartment with a job they seem to love. What we need to understand something about living in today's time of social influencers and travel vloggers, is that although we are able to see their glamorous life style of travel and luxury (as we lay in bed scrolling through Instagram at 2am with a bag of chips), whether we notice it or not, our esteem and self-worth decrease. We become jealous, insecure, and anxious. Because who wouldn't want that to have their life? Too many times, I catch myself essentially stalking random bikini-ready college girls, who travel overseas in the summer and always seem to look picture perfect. I can't help but think, 'God, why can't I have the followers, likes, comments, (etc..) that she has? I would use my platform for good anyways. All she is doing is posting her body for pro-athletes to see and slide in the DMs to end up as a trophy wife promoting Sugar Bear Hair'. Yeah I know, that was aggressive— but you can't say you haven't thought it once or twice too! We all do it. But even in that small comment, you are able to see: comparison, insecurity, jealousy and just me flat-out questioning God's plan for your own life. Let's be honest with ourselves here… if you didn't see these 'models' posting perfect photos, getting thousands of likes and followers daily, would you still want it?

This isn't a question with a right or wrong answer, but it made me ponder. Here's another kicker— if you didn't see the male-dominated attention she gets on a certain post, would you care as much about what you post on your own profile?

I am not here to bash 'Instagram models' and 'social media influencers'. At the end of the day, who doesn't want to be considered inspiring and relatable enough for strangers to want to follow and keep up with you? Most of us can say we all want that. But there's a twist.

Social media has created a wonderful platform for us to use our God-given talents to share with the world. That could be photography, singing, dancing, fashion, entrepreneurship, whatever you choose! THAT is what we need to be doing more of. Sharing what WE (AS INDIVIDUALS) care about and share it with the world. Famous or not, rich or not, when you put your authentic self forward, drown out the noise, and share what God has done for you with His love, you will inspire someone. And that is enough.

We all struggle with comparison. Next time you catch yourself stumbling across people on social media at 2am, read Matthew 5:16. "Let YOUR light shine before men, that they may see YOUR good works and glorify YOUR Father in Heaven."

How great is it that we have a God that wants us to let OUR LIGHT shine for everyone? He created our own personal light for each one of us, so none of the lights are the same. Your light could be anything, but through faithful prayer and many, many mistakes, you will see that God has always had you in His light. When things were going bad, when exciting life-changes were happening, when uncertainty for the future arose, HE WAS AND IS STILL HERE WITH US. You may feel alone and lost at what your next chapter will be... constantly comparing to the girl that looks like she's 'made it' on social media and winning at life—

stop it. You best believe she struggles too. So drown out the noise. Let it go. When you start to feel this way, pray that God will carry this burden for you, let Him hold your hand through the fires of life. He is with you.

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