So You Didn't Get Your Summer Bod In Check?
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So You Didn't Get Your Summer Bod In Check?

It's never too late to lose some weight.

So You Didn't Get Your Summer Bod In Check?

We are nearing the end of June at this point. Do you look in the mirror and feel a little sad at what is looking back? A little self-conscious about wearing a swimsuit in public? Well, just know you are not alone and that no one is perfectly comfortable in their body. I, a college athlete and amateur bodybuilder, fight body image troubles. However, I feel like I look good enough by world standards. People are constantly asking me how to lose weight, how to be more fit, how to gain muscle, etc.

The answer to that is hard work and some excruciating change of habit. I have compiled for any reading this a list of common sense steps that you can apply to your life. If you stick to it long enough you should be able to drop a pound or two. Healthy lifestyles are just that -- lifestyles. Looking hot isn't a 21-day fix. It isn't a phase. It is maintenance on your body. Your body is a temple you know. Last I checked, no one wants to go near a shitty temple so read on and see how you can get that "summer bod" before it's too late.

1. Quit. Eating. Garbage.

I swear to you that if you cut out junk food, fast food, candy, pop, cake, sweets, etc. that you will start to see results. This is usually the first thing I tell people. I recommend no weaning. Just cut it all out and go for it. It won't be fun, but after a while your body won't crave the sugar. I can attest to getting sick eating junk food after eating strictly healthy for a long period of time. Also -- no bread. Know that I shed manly tears when you eat bread. Bread is bad.

2. Calories Are Key

If your body burns 2,000 calories per day and you only eat 1,500 calories in a day, you will burn fat to fill that energy deficit. Say you take in 3,500 instead, what happens? You gain weight of course. If you eat 1,500 calories of junk food or 1,500 of healthy food, you should still lose weight. However, I never see people who budget one cheeseburger and a pack of donut holes as their food for the day. That tends to be a one meal situation. The internet will tell you the nutritional facts of anything you eat. To get more bang for your caloric buck, I recommend you eat nutrient dense food like vegetables and lean meats and fruit and such. Less calories, more food, more full stomach. Too easy, right?

3. You Have To Drink Water and You Have To Sweat

If you drink a gallon throughout the day then you will be in good shape. People always fret and worry that they will bloat. Nope. If you take in a lot of sodium, sure. By this point in the article we are going to be eating healthy, low-sodium foods, right? Water facilitates metabolic function in your body. You need it.

I grouped two things together here for a reason. You have got to work out and work out hard. You are better off putting in 30 hard minutes instead of 60 half-assed ones. If you aren't sweating at the end, you probably did something wrong. There are an infinite amount of workouts online. A regimen good for you is only a Google click away.

4. Get Sleep and Avoid Stress

This is one people tend to forget about. Your body burns a surprising amount of energy in sleep to repair and restore your body. Getting lots of it helps you function, work out harder the next day, and makes you less grumpy. Stress -- it is bad for you. One of the many side effects is weight gain. The release of cortisone during stress can ultimately kill your forward progress or exacerbate an already unhealthy lifestyle. I feel like going to the gym is a way for me to burn off energy and emotions so that is my cure. You have to find what relaxes you and stick to it. If you add this step on top of the other three and stick to them for a month, I assure you that you should see some results. If you are trying to take steps in the right direction there is no way you could be worse off. Get to working and good luck on obtaining the body of your dreams.

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