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Health and Wellness

11 Skincare Products That Helped Fade My Facial Scarring

My skin is doing so much better a couple months later, thanks to these products!

11 Skincare Products That Helped Fade My Facial Scarring
Neha Yousuf

I'm the kind of person who picks on their face all. The. Time. Like I could have a super tiny whitehead or pimple, and you best believe I will see it, and I will pop it. I'm literally a dermatologist's worst nightmare. And after years of pimple popping there is obviously years of scarring on my face as well. I don't have indented scarring, it's mostly just dark spots and pigmentation all over. My skin is overall pretty normal, just your typical unwanted pimple here and there. I've tried DIY products but the reason they didn't work for me was that I just couldn't be consistent with things such as making face masks all the time, peeling potatoes, and squeezing out lemons. Here are the products I use every day. They've faded my scarring tremendously.

Keep in mind your scarring won't actually go away, the goal is to keep it as faded as possible — you can make them go away through laser treatments.

CosRX Good Morning Facial Cleanser


This cleanser has been my favorite morning cleanser! It's very gentle but it gets the job done. It contains tea tree oil which is literally amazing for diminishing scarring! It's a gel cleanser but isn't thick and keeps your skin feeling super smooth afterward. I have normal skin, so the acidity level being mild is perfect. The pH level is also the same as your skin's pH level! It's super affordable and you can find it on Amazon here

Soap and Glory Face Soap And Clarity Facial Wash

soap and glory

I use this cleanser for make-up removal and as a nighttime cleanser. It is amazing! It tones, brightens, and cleanses all in one. It has vitamin C that comes from the yuzu citrus fruit which you can literally feel when you wash your face. It really takes out the impurities of my skin from throughout the day and you can hear your pores thanking you after you wash them. P.S. this bottle will last you FOREVER. You can find it on Amazon here.

Thayer's Witch Hazel


I use witch hazel as a toner y'all and it works wonders. I used plain over the counter witch hazel and that worked fine for me also, this just has rose petal extract in it so it's just a little "boujee" that's all. It was the first extra step where I actually saw actual results for my scarring. I still don't really know what witch hazel is, but my esthetician recommended it to me after she did my extractions during facials and even for when I had acne on my back. Fades away! I use this throughout the day and at night before moisturizer. You can find it on Amazon here.

Bio-Oil Multi Use Skincare Oil


This is my new love y'all. I can't emphasize this enough, this product is best for scarring. This is really what helped my scarring fade and it's the holy grail product in this entire list.

Not only is this great for scarring but even stretch marks! My favorite part about this oil is that it doesn't have an odor and it isn't greasy at all! I wear it at night after my moisturizer and it's very comfortable to wear when going to bed. It's super lightweight and your skin feels so plump and replenished in the morning. You can find it on Amazon here.

Kiel's Midnight Recovery Concentrate

kiel's midnight recovery

Honestly, you don't need this pricey purchase for scarring, but I just really like this product. This facial serum makes your skin feel so good the morning after! I use it every night, and it somehow helps me go to sleep faster. I massage the oil into my skin after I apply the bio-oil. It reduces lines and uneven skin tone and makes you look healthier all while you sleep. Even during my most stressful weeks, you can't tell I've been hella tired thanks to this serum. The pleasant smell is also a plus! You can find it on Amazon here.

Neutrogena Hydroboost Water Gel Moisturizer


Love this moisturizer! The only problem is that I run out of it so fast! That's just because I like to moisturize throughout the day as well. I am a huge fan of water gel moisturizers no matter what brand, but this one is the most affordable. It also has hyaluronic acid in it which is literally found in our skin, so it's adding the exact moisture that our skin needs and wants. It is super cooling and makes your skin feel alive and well. You can find it on Amazon here.

Jade Roller

jade roller

I stumbled upon this product before its internet trending craze began, and it's not that special, I just use it as an applicator for the bio-oil. I personally like using this because it helps me massage my face and help with blood circulation. I do use my fingers for applying my moisturizer and serum but I am aware that when I use my fingers the product tends to layer up on the edges of my face such as my hairline, and my sideburn area. I am super serious about my bio oil so I love to use the jade roller! I roll it around using each side for about 2 minutes, I just play a song to help with timing. Since it's always cool, it's a great de-puffer as well. You can find it on Amazon here.

Better Skin Lava Magik Scrub

lava magik scrub

BEST EXFOLIATOR EVER. This is literally amazing wow. I use this product 2-3 times a week before using all the cleaners mentioned above. The graininess is so fine which makes it better for your skin. It gets the impurities and dirt out of the teeny tiniest of pores and your skin feels so incredibly SOFT afterward. This also smells amazing and I am obsessed with it, it's so worth the price. You can use it as a mask or a cleanser, but I always use it as a cleanser/scrub. Exfoliating is so good for the scabbing developing over top of your scars and also after you pop a pimple, its good to take all that gunk out. You can find it on Amazon here.

Honey and Sugar lip scrub

honey and sugar lip scrub

This can easily be a DIY product, but if you want something just ready to apply, this is it. Often times we forget about our lips and they are just as important as the rest of our face. Even though this doesn't have anything to do with scarring, I do use this as a part of my nightly skincare routine. It leaves my skin super soft and scrubs away all the dead skin, and it also tastes good? You can find it on Amazon here.

Smith's Rosebud Lip Salve

rosebud lip salve

I literally refuse to use any other lip balm. These last forever and if you know me, I have these in every bag I have, in my pocket always, I never leave the house without it. My favorite is the minty one in the middle of the picture. This balm acts as a gloss for me as well, and I love to wear it under my liquid lipsticks too! I wear a thick layer at night and wake up the next morning with baby soft lips. You can find it on Amazon here.

 Cotton Pads

cotton pads

And then of course to apply the witch hazel I use a cotton pad! You can also use these to apply the oils and serums but I like to directly apply those on to my skin or the jade roller. You can really see on the pad how well the witch hazel tones, you can literally see dirt still coming off even after washing your face. You can find these on Amazon here.

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