For many of us, we are in our early twenties, and trying to figure out who the heck we are supposed to be. In this confusion, it is so easy to look at the president of your favorite club or your gorgeous sorority sister that gets straight A’s with no problem and wonder how they always have their life so put together. What secret potion are they drinking that makes them so perfect, and can I get a swig of it?
The truth is, the more you compare yourself to others, the more you reassure yourself that you are not good enough the way you are. Don't get me wrong, occasional changes like throwing an extra fruit onto your plate at lunch, trying to attend your campus bible study more often, or striving to be a more patient person are great. But if you find yourself doing things out of obligation or because the girl you secretly envy is doing it, you need to stop and evaluate your heart.
With everything you do, ask yourself who you are doing it for. I hope you choose yourself every single time. Because let’s say all of those people that you wanted to be like are gone. They graduated or moved away. Where does that leave you? I’m guessing terribly lost and painfully empty.
So take control of yourself, and your life. Why be your toughest critic when you can be your biggest fan? In a world full of people who hurt you, why not be nice to yourself? I challenge you to give yourself two compliments for every oneself doubt you have. If you are looking for more, I challenge you to write a list of things that you like about yourself and add it as a note in your phone. If rough times creep around, pull out your phone and read the list. Then add more positive qualities to the list as you notice them throughout the day. It's hard until you consistently remind yourself of how great you are and it all becomes simple.
Don't live another day questioning your worth. Get ahead of the game now and start believing that God created you with unique talents to help the world in any way you want because He did. You were made to love people, change lives, find your purpose, and use it with courage to make your impact on the world.
Believe that you are more than the negative voice in your head that feeds your fears and insecurities by insisting that you need to be anything other than yourself. Watch how continuously choosing yourself becomes second nature while happiness and confidence follow. After all, it is pretty hard to pencil in some time for comparisons when you’re so busy doing things that you enjoy, for you. So choose to love yourself, for the qualities that you adore and the qualities that you’d love to change. It’s all you, and that’s more than good enough.