Silence The Evil
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Silence The Evil

Why do the scum of the earth get so much attention?

Silence The Evil
Asron Payne

America, where we give the dumbest people the most attention. Head line after headline of people being stupid fills the news every single day. I'm not just talking about reality TV stars or celebrities who became famous for no reason (*cough*Kardashians*cough*). I'm talking about the lowest of he low, the people who do not deserve to be reported on or have their back story told to the public.

I'm talking about the coward who walked into Sandy Hook Elementary and brutally killed 20 children. The pathetic soul who decided to shoot and kill 12 people in a movie theater. The stupid boy who shot two principals in my home town and killed one. The pitiful children who planted bombs in Boston and detonated them when successful people were inches away from a dream come true. And the idiot who killed 49 innocent people in Orlando.

I will not be discussing gun control. Honestly, if there had been a responsible and courageous person who legally had a conceal and carry weapon, maybe the shooters would have been stopped before the damage was done. I want to discuss how we give these cowardly, selfish individuals exactly what they want.

We look into these murders past and give them so much media coverage that their name lives on well beyond their own lives. Why do we do this? These people do not deserve to be remembered let alone reported on! We need to stop giving these monsters the credit they sought when committing these cowardly acts.

Why are we not reporting the people who had their futures stolen? All I've heard about the 49 killed in Orlando is their name. Is being a name on a list which is forgotten 72 hours later how these people deserve to be remembered? I don't think so. If anyone deserves to be a name on a disregarded list it is the murderers.

But no, the media makes their name famous for the terrible act they committed. A timeless example is Jack the Ripper who murdered five women in 1888 and got away with it. I know nothing of the victims but 128 years later his name lives on.

We all want know why these horrendous people chose to pick up a weapon and take the lives of innocent people. That's actually understandable, but it should be left there. Media headlines covering a crime should read, "Why the Dumbass Did It", and tell us just that. No mention of their name, where they grew up, who they married, or what race/religion/political party they identified with.

I dream of the day when I scroll through Facebook and see articles about the officer who stopped a drunk driver, or the neighborhood hero who saved a dog that had been hit by a car. Where is the coverage on the Marine who protected our country, came home, got a college education and is now positively impacting the lives of others? That's the type of person who deserves an episode of 60 Minutes. I want to hear about the lives lost in a mass shooting and the person they were. Yes those stories are sad but these people deserve to be remembered for who they were not just their unfortunate end.

I hate to say this but I am certain their will be a "next one." It could happen tomorrow, in a month, or even in 15 minutes. So, next time lets focus on the victims and heroes not the coward who picked up a gun and fired away. Murderers do not deserve to be famous. Next time lets make sure the weakling who ended innocent lives is nothing more than a nameless, fuzzy picture in the news.

Just love people, and accept that no one on this planet shares your same beliefs. Celebrate others differences and peacefully debate them. Try to see things from someone else's point of view instead of pointing a gun. The world will never be perfect but each of us has the responsibility to be decent human being.

"We've all got both light and dark inside of us. What matters is the part we choose to act on, that is who we really are." -Sirius Black

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