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10 signs you grew up on a lake and will always call it home

Hearing the sound of the water can mentally bring you back to where you feel most calm.

10 signs you grew up on a lake and will always call it home
Abigail Lindenmeier

In This Article:

If you grew up near the lake, you know what it feels like to have your toes in the water and in the sand. The sound of crashing waves brings you back home and the smell of lake air can calm you. Growing up on the water has taught me to appreciate what nature has to offer and I have a love for the water.

Sunsets are often the focal point of every photo

Abigail Lindenmeier

If you live near a lake, you're now a pro at taking sunset photos. They make for great backgrounds, great Snapchat stories, and your camera roll is probably full of them.

You probably own more pairs of flipflops than tennis shoes

Abigail Lindenmeier

You most likely grew up with the feeling of sand in between your toes and you know how much it hurts to walk on the shells and rocks barefoot. Growing up near the lake has taught you to own more pairs of flip flops than tennis shoes.

You're at the lake almost every day in the summer...

Abigail Lindenmeier

And in the fall, winter, and spring

Abigail Lindenmeier

No matter the weather, you commonly find yourself spending a lot of your time by the water. Whether you're in flip flops or winter boots, the lake is your happy place.

It is the go to spot for hanging out with friends

Abigail Lindenmeier

Whether you're swimming, tanning, or playing a game of beach volleyball, the lake is the go to hangout spot to spend time with your friends. There's so much you can do by the water and you can spend hours there adventuring.

Your prom pictures were most likely taken with the lake as the backdrop

Abigail Lindenmeier

Commonly, you would see large groups of teens going to prom all taking pictures by the water. It made the perfect backdrop especially of the wind was blowing or it was really sunny outside.

As a kid, you often hunted for seaglass and pretty shells to add to your ever-growing collection

Abigail Lindenmeier

You felt the joy when a shiny piece of sea glass caught your eye. You picked it up and dropped it in your pocket. As a kid, your biggest goal was to collect as many as possible.

Your dog loves the lake just as much as you do

Abigail Lindenmeier

If you have a dog, you mot likely brought them up to the water to adventure with you.

It is your getaway spot when feeling stressed or overwhelmed

Abigail Lindenmeier

The sounds of waves crashing and birds chirping can definitely calm a stressed mind. If you live by the water, it is your go to spot to venture off to.

If you're away from home, find the nearest large body of water to make you feel more connected to home

Abigail Lindenmeier

If you're away at school or away from home, I recommend venturing off to a spot that connects you to home, the water. Hearing the sound of the water can mentally bring you back to where you feel most calm.

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