Dear Older Sister,
It is rare that I get to wake up in the same place as you and it has even become more of a special thing for us more recently. Growing up, we knew everything about each other; our friends, our likes and dislikes, and even every item in each other’s closet. We fought as siblings do, but it was always about silly things and what you would normally expect from a classic girl fight.
I miss you. We talk on the phone, we snapchat each other, and FaceTime when we can but I miss knowing everything about you and you knowing everything about me. I don't know if you are enjoying your classes and I have no idea who all your friends are now. It is strange for me to understand how distance can make some have a better relationship with a person. I guess it makes me scared when I think about how we were as kids and how we will never be at that place in our lives ever again. Running carelessly through the yard across the street, building forts to play dress up in, and not knowing or caring what the future held for us because being an adult was too far away but now, it's here.
We are adults now and with this aspect of ourselves, we no longer live together anymore. We may be different people now, but you will always be my sister. Even if you don’t know where I went this weekend or the person I met this afternoon, I will be able to tell you and you will talk as if a day has not gone by since the last time we were together. You are my sister and my forever best friend. You understand me even when I don’t even understand myself. You listen when I talk about anything, and will love me unconditionally because hey, you have to.
We are sisters, best friends, and although we are physically far apart, we are the closest we have ever been within our relationship. I love you more than mom’s love Starbucks coffee and Dad's love chips.
See you soon!