The Solution To Our Weight Loss Problem
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The Solution To Our Weight Loss Problem

How to lose a different kind of weight

The Solution To Our Weight Loss Problem
Leah Kelly - Pexels

Hey you,

Firstly, I want to say you are beautiful, no matter how you look. You are made of the same materials that compose the most beautiful of landscapes. You breathe the same air as Beyoncé and live in the same world as Marnie the Dog. You are a gift, made to be uniquely you and no one else.

Secondly, I want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you have been conditioned to click on articles that promise an illusion of happiness that comes from weight loss. I'm sorry that you feel as though you aren't good enough, that your weight is too high or your legs too wide.

Nonetheless, you came here to learn how to lose weight and I'm not one to break a promise: Lose the most weight by shedding yourself of the self-doubt and hatred that weighs on you, telling you aren't good enough.

This heavy weight bears a giant load on you. It probably prevents you from wearing certain clothes or avoiding certain foods. Maybe you are scared to look in the mirror, perhaps even step on a scale, fearing the "reminder" that you are wrong and unworthy.

So how do we do it? With some exercise and diet change.

Most articles would tell you to engage in a different set of exercises for each evening or week, or tell you what works best, but that's wrong: you have to find what works best for you. For some people, they found that smiling more often at themselves in the mirror was really what made the most difference. For others, they found the best results in taking care of their bodies and reminding themselves that their body is a beautiful and powerful machine more worthy than a number on a scale that dictates so. I personally found that treating myself like I would a friend helped me shed those last few pounds of self-hatred. I wouldn't want my friends saying those negative things about themselves, and it's only fair that they wouldn't want me saying those things either. If you're struggling to come up with some routines, here are a few:

-Own up to your mistakes and forgive yourself for them
This will tighten the core area of "self-acceptance" as your strengthen your self-awareness with each rep

-Write encouraging letters to yourself, and those around you
By promoting an atmosphere of acceptance and unconditional love, it will be easier to stick to a routine of love, and harder to slip into old habits (and if you do, you have a huge support to back you and lift you up again)

-Whenever you have a bad thought about yourself, imagine telling your younger self, sibling, family, or your child the same thought.
This will raise your stamina of awareness, and remind yourself that you are just as deserving as the rest of the world

-Dance and be you without a fear of judgment
By letting those energetic and unique moves out, you're increasing your ability to not give a f*@k, making for a happier you

-When shopping, avoid focusing on the size of a dress, and redirect your thoughts to how good you feel wearing it. Your smile will grow and will heighten your chances if happiness as you look in the mirror (bonus: this also can help with stretching out and working those self-acceptance techniques)

These are only a few mere suggestions, but there is a world of exercises and routines you can get yourself in the habit of!

Regarding diet, consume positivity.

Yes, sometimes that negativity is going to sneak in, especially at the beginning when you're adjusting to the new plan, but let it be and try your hardest. There will be times where you just really want to give up and indulge yourself in self-criticism, and that's okay, but remember to get back on track. Look for nutritional labels that look like this:

Avoid those things that scream negativity. These include, but are not limited to fashion magazines, photograph, negative self-talk and criticism, a scale, a tape measuring, and the clothes that no longer fit you.

Another good thing to avoid are those pesky ads that tell you the best way to eat to lose tangible weight and be happy- what they're doing is capitalizing on your insecurities created in our harsh, judgmental world, promising you a lavish happiness with better friends, a hotter lover, and cuter clothes. They're lies. The best friends you'll ever make are those who accept you and your body for what it is and love you, weight and all. The hottest love will come from a person who treats you right and makes you feel good about yourself, rather than having you feel as though your relationship is based on vanity and looks. And obviously, the cutest clothes you can ever wear are the ones you feel good in, not the ones with a size in a single digit or another that promises a slimming waist.

There is always a new day ahead of us, with new challenges. That self-hatred will always be there, but with time and distance, you'll begin to no longer crave it as you adjust to your new ways.

Eat all the chocolate, carrots, salad, and burritos you want. As you adjust to eating what your body is craving and do not limit your intake, your body will naturally fluctuate and you will begin to feel better, happier in your own skin. You will begin to know that you're treating your body the way it deserves as you begin to develop a sense of self-love and acceptance and that heavy weight of body insecurity and body image will melt right off. Give it time, and it will be hard, but the best things life has to offer are the things that take work.

There is no wrong way to have a body. You aren't here on earth to be a certain size or to have a certain hair style or sense of fashion. You weren't made to be pretty. You were made to be an intelligent individual who has the ability to unlock their full potential, by developing relationships with loved ones, doing good for those around you and yourself included.

You are an individual. An amazing individual. A beautiful individual. You are you. Whether there are 15 pounds more or less of you, you are a strong person. Each day, everyone around you is astonished by your amazing ability to make others smile and laugh, and by the intelligence and kindness you bestow on those around you. No one worth caring about cares whether you're a size 0 or 16, those worth caring about are those who encourage you to be the best person you can be, and believe me, that person is waiting to be unleashed.

By ridding yourself of the heavy weight your insecurity bears on you, you have the strength to be the person you've always wanted to be, as you learn to accept and love yourself for who you are.

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