Sea Wall/A Life Provides A New Perspective on Loss
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I've always been wary of shows that are stunt-casted. I thought that producers could put Jake Gyllenhaal in anything, and people would show up, regardless of the quality of the show. On top of that, Sea Wall/A Life didn't seem like my type of show. From what I knew about it, it was a set of two monologues, with no props and minimal set design. If I wanted to hear a story told that way, I'd sit down with my grandma in her living room and save my money.

But, for some reason, I was drawn to the show anyway and decided to see its second-to-last performance. I climbed the stairs all the way to my balcony seat in the Hudson Theater, and the particularly good-looking usher showed me to my seat.

The show began, and I experienced Sea Wall, which is the story of a father and the death of his daughter. Tom Sturridge's accent was easy to listen to, and he told the story with such subtle lighting and sound that the audience was entirely dependent on him to captivate them. The story has an underlying theme of religion, as Tom Sturridge's character, Alex, doubts the existence of God because he cannot note any tangible evidence of His existence.

The audience is left gasping as he tells the story of what he has been through: he was swimming when he saw his daughter fall off a cliff. He notes how surreal it was to watch her fall to her death without hearing any sound.

Sea Wall is a story of grief and guilt, and Alex tells the audience about carrying his daughter in a panic and accidentally hitting her already-injured head. I could hear the tears in his voice, and his description of his wife coming home to such an unexpected disaster was heartbreaking.

When Act One ended, Jake Gyllenhaal took the stage to perform A Life. His character, Abe, discusses the aging of his father in contrast to the birth of his daughter. He tells both stories at the same time, flawlessly changing his tone of voice from hopeful to helpless.

Abe describes the three kinds of death: when the body ceases to function, when one is buried or cremated, and when one's name is spoken for the last time. While walking the audience through the heartache he experienced, Abe struggles to keep his emotions at bay and breaks down in complete vulnerability.

He talks about his experience being both a father and a son, and how they are vastly different yet painfully the same. Throughout the story, he seamlessly switches between these roles, highlighting how it was overwhelming to have so many responsibilities.

Sea Wall/A Life made me think of the pain I have yet to feel. The only significant death in my life was that of my great grandparents, and I was too young to fully process what had happened. The show made me feel anxious, but in a good way. I understand that pain is inevitable, and I feel more prepared for the future after having seen it.

The show ended with the projection of windows on the stage, slowly zooming out to reveal more of them while somber music played. I learned that everyone has a story -- everyone has experienced heartache, and we are each in one of those windows.

I left the theater surrounded by audience members, and I suddenly wanted to get to know each of them. I wanted to know their pain and everything they've been through.

Sea Wall/A Life portrays the power of a conversation. Before the men spoke, they were just people. Their stories made them heroes.
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