30 Anti-Love Punk Songs For Your Scorned Heart Playlist | The Odyssey Online
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30 Anti-Love Punk Songs For Your Scorned Heart Playlist

This is the Anti-Valentine's Day playlist to release all of that pent up anger inside of you.

30 Anti-Love Punk Songs For Your Scorned Heart Playlist

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We've all had the breakups that make us want to curl up in a blanket, listen to some country songs and cry our eyes out. Every once in a while, that isn't the way a breakup goes, though.

These are the ones that make you feel as though you are on a warpath to destroy an enemy.

Finding the perfect anthems to go along with your infuriation can be hard, so I did it for you. Whether you're recently split up from a significant other, or still heated about a relationship gone wrong years ago, I present to you the playlist for the scorned heart.

1. Die, Die My Darling - The Misfits

This classic original Punk Era song fits to be the forefront of the playlist. With their angry lyrics and rhythmic drumming, it's the perfect song to kick off the at home mosh pit.

2. Wish Me Well (You Can Go To Hell) - The Bouncing Souls

Another oldie but classic band, The Bouncing Souls, aren't known for overpowering instruments in their songs. This boy/girl duet telling the story of a breakup gone wrong is a song for everyone.

3. Sailin' On - Bad Brains

A song for when you know the lyrics are angry, but are more interested in the power strokes on the guitar riffs and maybe ripping up a few pictures.

4. He Wasn't - Avril Lavigne

I get it, Avril isn't everyone's cup of tea, but if you've followed her throughout the years, she is known for angsty breakup lyrics. "He Wasn't" is a lyrical realization that you can do so much better.

5. Sabrina The Teenage Bitch - Seaway

While Ryan's melodic voice will captivate your mind, the lyrics to this song are pleasantly heartless about the ex-lover.

6. Heartless - A Day To Remember

Screamo is the first thing you think of when this truthfully named song begins, but the chorus is more laid back. and the instrumental tones keep the hate flowing.

7. Truth Is - City Lights

I had never heard of this band before searching for the best for this playlist, and now, they're a regular stream. It starts out being more of a sad song, but you get to hear the story develop and hostility begins. If you are less interested in the loud instrumentals, they offer an acoustic version as well.

8. Call Me When You're Sober - Evanescence

If you have ever been with someone that drinks too much, I can't begin to tell you how great this song will make you feel as you scream along with Amy Lee.

9. Platypus - Green Day

Being an earlier Green Day song, you might have some reservations about tuning in, but the consistently hateful lyrics and hardcore guitar riffs will be the anthem to the bonfire you'll be having with your ex's belongings.

10. The Deceived - Memphis May Fire

Perfect for right after you realize how much you hate your ex, you'll be banging your hands against your steering wheel as you drive around to let out some steam.

11. My Goodbye - Automatic Loveletter

Don't let the mellow vibes turn you away at the first listen. While the music itself might be calmer than some other songs, the lyrics are relatable and full of disgust

12. Tell That Mick He Just Made My List of Things to Do Today - Fall Out Boy

The long titles of original Fall Out Boy songs used to give them a bad rep, but you don't need a short title to enjoy sweetheart Patrick Stump refusing to piss on you if you are on fire.

13. Revenge I Seek - Bleeding Through

Don't listen to this song around small children or the elderly. The strong guitar notes don't cover the lyrics filled with more "fucks" than you ever gave about your ex.

14. You'll Only Make It Worse - New Years Day

As a rather unknown female fronted band, they deserve more credit if just for this song. The lyrics are hostile and beautifully sung making it a fun song to dance around to with your friends, letting go of the anger.

15. You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette

We've all heard this song at least a dozen times in our life, and it never gets old. Sometimes, it's nice to think about how the next person who falls for their pretty words will feel when they find out they've said it all to the others before.

16. Revenge & It's Thrills - Tonight Alive

How you stand up for yourself when wronged is a prominent subject in these lyrics. Even the gentlest of lovers are capable of putting you in a position that you have needed to take a stand, and it's relatable that you would want revenge when it's all over.

17. Shitlist - l7

As far as a relatable breakup song from the early 90s goes, this one tops the charts. It will inspire you to make a list of all the wrong done to you and watch it burn.

18. Ignorance - Paramore

While wanting to stick with only one song per band, I struggled to pick between this song and "Misery Business," which we all know and love. Hayley's empowering lyrics are more prominent in this lesser known song while still giving you a sense of comfort in not being in it alone.

19. Tables Turned - Neck Deep

If you are still coming to terms with the fact that you gave them your all while they gave you nothing in return, check this one out first. It will put the feelings you're having into words you can sing along with.

20. Bite My Tongue - You Me At Six

With every bad relationship comes life lessons and the ability to grow, which is what this song will remind you of. You were a person before that relationship, and now, you're a better one because of it.

21. Bleeding - The Pretty Reckless

Taylor Momsen went from Upper East Side Wannabe to Goth Queen when she formed The Pretty Reckless and has been known for her dark lyrics ever since. The strong sense of hatred flowing through this song will make you feel alive and fulfilled again.

22. Fire - PVRIS

Was your ex a habitual liar and constantly digging themselves into a hole they couldn't get out of without making a bigger mess? If so, you'll feel right at home listening to this song about what comes next to them.

23. Should've Tried Harder - Hey Monday!

You might recognize the lead singer, Cassadee Pope, from her more recent Country work. Before becoming a Country star, she fronted "Hey Monday!" and created this lyrical masterpiece showcasing that you have to give love to get love.

24. No It Isn't - +44

The songs that encompass the loathing you feel right now will stick with you forever, so let this be one of them. It might not sound as angry through the instrumentals, but the storytelling lyrics about how much you really can hate someone paint a vivid image in your mind.

25. When You're Around - Motion City Soundtrack

Motion City Soundtrack isn't a band you think of when you think of songs about hate, but in this song, they really let the antagonist know how deeply they feel about the way they were treated throughout the relationship.

26. Gives You Hell - The All-American Rejects

Personally, this is one of the more self-explanatory songs on this list. The All-American Rejects are known for greatness, and the elemental surprise in this song is showcasing how much you really do not care about that person anymore.

27. I Almost Told You That I Loved You - Papa Roach

I feel passionately about Papa Roach and their endless supply of ill will feelings towards previous lovers. While there are older songs that fit the bill, this is the one that stands out the most when you're still seething.

28. Lost My Cool - Stand Atlantic

Empty promises and deceit are the foundation of a great breakup song, and this is one that does not sell itself short. Strong vocals, paired with the almost folk-like instrumentals, will instantly lift your spirits.

29. Strangers - Yours Truly

Another band I had never heard of that took me by surprise and will be a focal point of future listening. Lyrics about owning yourself and staying true to the life you want to live make a solid song to pretend to sing to that burning picture of your ex.

30. You Suck At Love - Simple Plan

I have to wrap this up with a band that simply doesn't put out bad music. These authoritative lyrics stating how terrible of a person that ex really was will stick with you long after you've turned off the song.

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