Rules Freshmen Will Actually Want to Follow
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Rules Freshmen Will Actually Want to Follow

A quirky set of guidelines you might not be expecting...

Rules Freshmen Will Actually Want to Follow

As a senior getting ready to graduate in December, there are a few things I wish I had been told before I started my freshman year. They may be a little different than most people's list of rules, but these are guaranteed to give you a great year. As long as you are responsible and make smart decisions for yourself, you will have a fabulous time as a freshman. I promise. I managed to have some fun and I am still graduating with a good GPA and two internships under my belt.

Eat at 2 a.m.

If you don’t go to Quick Grill (or whatever your campus late night junk food hub is) at an absurd time of the morning at least once in your college career, you haven’t lived right. I’m telling you, nothing tops a night off right like some messy fries or Taco Bell. It is a harmless 2500 calorie snack, no big deal. But seriously, late night meals with friends make great memories, and are the best guilty pleasure. Just don’t forget to hit the spin class at the rec center later in the week.

Neglect studying for that test.

I know this may sound crazy, but just once in your life skip studying for a test and go with your friends to that party, or to that new movie premiere. If you have been paying attention in class, you already know more than you think. Sometimes it is worth it to have a little fun. You will never be a freshman with incredibly easy classes again. I'm not saying to do this with chemistry, but take a chance and wing it with that class you picked as a GPA booster.

Make as many friends as you can.

Do not get stuck with one best friend. I’m telling you, bad move. Yes I know your roommate is your best friend, and you both could never get in a fight. But, you are going to be super lonely when you get in that first inevitable argument because she stole your man or ruined your favorite shirt. Be a social butterfly and be friendly to everyone. It is a good idea to have a variety of friends that have different interests as well. It can never hurt to know as many people as possible. College is all about the connections you make.

Break the rules.

Apologize in advance to your standards chair or whoever else. No one ever had a good time following every rule in the book. And laughing your butt off at the stories with your friends later? Totally worth it. (Disclaimer: please follow the rules involving illegal activity. Keep it classy people.)

Skip class every once in a while.

Do this. I’m serious. Trust me, it will be okay to miss one session of mindless lecturing about history to go grab lunch with your friends or shop for a cute outfit for the weekend. Everyone's brain needs to relax once in a blue moon. Plus, we all know you're just sitting there on your Mac texting via Messenger instead of paying attention anyway. Odds are Professor Boring won't notice your absence (Disclaimer: Just check the syllabus for attendance policy first...) Your best memories in college will not be made in the classroom.

Find yourself.

If you do it right, you should be a completely different person at the end of your freshman year of college. Scary thought, I know. But trust me, this is a good thing. Find who you are, what you like and what you are good at. Grow into the person you want to be and learn to love yourself for who you are. Most of all, don’t aimlessly follow the crowd. Be unapologetically you.

Don’t stay tied down to one guy or girl.

This does not mean be the girl everyone sees walking into the dorm in last night's outfit every single morning, or the guy who has had to give away all of his shirts to various girls…I’m just saying, take this opportunity to get to know different personality types and explore your options. There is no reason to date the first guy you meet, and you might end up regretting it later. Take some time to get to know yourself and then consider a relationship later on. The right person will be there when you are done maturing and discovering what you want in life.

Go to as many sorority, fraternity or club functions as possible.

You will regret it if you don’t. Besides, why would you pass up an opportunity to dress like Ke$ha or wear Target bags as a dress? One day you are going to get old, and wish you hadn’t missed out on that one party, plus you really don’t want to hear all the second-hand stories. Live it up while you are young, and enjoy your friends while you still can. One day all you are going to have to look forward to is a weekend gathering at Olive Garden with the other neighborhood housewives, or your sad weekly poker game with the guys.

Make mistakes.

Mistakes are the parts of life we look back on and laugh the most about. Yes, even the really big ones. They help us learn and grow and make us who we are. No one is perfect. While it is definitely a great goal to have, no one can really achieve it. So be you and mess up a little. Besides, “You have to be young and wild to be old and wise.” Messing up sucks, but absolutely no one would be where they are today by not learning lessons from the past.

Have the time of your life.

You will never get this year back. Make sure to have as many amazing experiences as you can. Take every opportunity available to you. Have an amazing time and don't look back. You are going to have an amazing year and a great kick-off to some of the best years of your life. Do not spend this year cooped up in your room with the door locked, or in the library studying. Get your school work completed, and go have an amazing time.

Be smart.

Contrary to most of this list, everything isn't always about getting a laugh and having a good time...make sure to always be smart about what you are doing. Trust me I am all for some cool memories, but just make wise decisions in the process. Also, make sure to take care of what needs to be done in school as well. I can't tell you how many people I have watched get sent home by their parents for their poor grades. Be smart, make (mostly) good decisions, and have some fun while you are at it.

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