In July of 2015, YouTuber Em Ford, also known as My Pale Skin, posted a video called "You Look Disgusting." The YouTuber posted pictures on social media of herself without any makeup on. The video shows Em sitting in front of a camera for a period of time, without any makeup on, as nasty comments pop up on her screen. Later in the video, she puts on makeup and sits in front of the camera again. This time, though, positive and flattering comments, mixed with some hateful comments, pop up on her screen. This shows a major flaw in society.
Although a whole year has gone by since this video has gone viral, I still think it is an important topic.
In society, we are told that more makeup equals more beauty. But we're also told more makeup equals a sense of being fake. So which is it?
I couldn't believe some of the comments people left on Em's pictures. Things like "I can't even look at her" and "WTF is wrong with her face?" were among many of the incredibly rude comments she received. Those words will stick with her for the rest of her life.
After the nice comments about Em with makeup on were shown, more negative comments were posted like "this is false advertising" and "you're wearing too much makeup." Is anyone ever satisfied?
If you don't wear any makeup, you're ugly, and if you wear too much makeup, you're a liar. It makes me sick. Everyone is entitled to wear as much or as little makeup as they want, and other people shouldn't voice their negativity either way.
This video sends a powerful message to all who watch. Beauty seems to be measured by the number of likes we get on a picture, about how many positive comments we receive and about how flawless we look.
But then again, beauty seems to be measured by how natural we look. It is such a double standard.
It's almost like women need to wear just the right amount of makeup to be gorgeous, which is not true at all. Each person is different and has a preference of how much or how little makeup they want to wear. No one should have to worry about what others will think of their appearance. They should be proud of what they look like and be comfortable doing what they want.
Makeup or no makeup, the same girl received both positive and negative comments. She feels happiness and pain all the same. She is beautiful with or without makeup, just like every individual in the world.
No one has perfect skin. No one has perfect hair. No one is perfect. That doesn't make them any less beautiful. Beauty comes from within.