Around a month ago Doritos® came out with a stirring commercial about the importance of voting. This took me by surprise, what is a chip company doing talking about voting?
The commercial starts out by giving a statistic on how many young people voted in 2012 and then interviewed college student on reasons they don’t vote. Next, they showed a Doritos® vending machine set up in public with a touch screen payment method. Students went up to the machine to purchase chips and instead of using money, they were asked if they had registered to vote. Many of the students then selected no and were given what they thought was a choice between original or cool ranch chips. When they selected and their selection did not come out but instead a gray bag that said "Doritos® No Choice", they were puzzled. Inside were cardboard chips and a slip of paper that read “If you are not registered to vote, this bag is for you. It has so taste, no crunch, no choice because if you don’t vote someone else choose for you, just like this.” On the vending machine screen there then was an option to register to vote. This short 1:41 second video has a powerful message attached.
Here are three important things to point out in this commercial
1. 62% of young people didn't vote in 2012
The commercial starts off with giving this statistic and then follows with interviewing college students on why they don’t vote. Answers were given such as, “I don’t like politics”, “I don’t have time to vote”, “I don’t care”, or “Old people go out and do that for us.” These responses were deeply saddening. To see that some young students have this view on such a crucial thing should be disturbing to more people. 62% is such a large percentage. If that 38% of young people started voting, changes in this nation could occur.
2. No Vote, No Choice
This is the essential point this commercial makes. When you do not vote, you have no choice as to who will govern your country. Your voice will not be heard when it comes to the presidential election or any local election. Every person wants to be heard. You want your opinions to matter. Voting assists in proclaiming that voice. Voting also gives you the option to change something you do not like. Now, not every candidate may be lined up to your view but some of their views might. By electing them in, they will be able to create that change you desire.
3. Giving the option to register to vote
This commercial shows students registering and taking that next step. Doritos® does an amazing job by actually giving students the option to register. Not only are they advocating for voting, they are right there giving them an option to. Many times people or government officials advocate for voting but, do not give information on how or where to register. If you are 18 and older, please take this message to heart and take the first step today to register to vote.
You can register to vote and check to see if you are registered or
ttps:// is not only a way to voice your opinion, it is an amazing right you have as an American Citizen. Around the world, not everyone has the option to vote about their leaders. Take this amazing opportunity and VOTE on November 8th because "The boldest choice, is making a choice."
If you would like to watch this awesome commercial, you can watch it here.