As if things couldn't look any worse for those of us that haven't managed to find a significant other to spend the rest of our lives with one of Hollywood's seemingly most secure couples Brad pitt and Angeline Jolie, Hollywood powerhouse couple commonly referred to as Bradgelina made the decision to bring their relationship to an end. although the world shouldn't be looking to single couple as an aspirational figure for what their ideal relationship should look like I definitely don't thin that it is fair to pass judgement on such a couple. Brad and Angelina like many other celebrities have battled countless accusations that have suggested that the marriage was in ruin for some time. Regardless of whether or not there was any truth to the rumors Brad and Angelina nonetheless have had their marriage exploited due to the high interest that consumers such as you and me have placed on their marriage.
Similarly the Carter-Knowles union has sustained a similar reality as Beyonce's most recent album Lemonade fueled the indication that Jay Z may have cheated on a woman that a massive population of the world has deemed to be perfect. This followed reports that the couple may have been enduring a rough patch in their relationship since the surfacing of a video depicting Solange Knowles attacking Jay Z and then storming out the elevator with no remorse.
As much as we'd love to believe that our favorite celebrities are without fault I think that its important to remember that they too are human and cannot live up to the excessively high standards that several entities set out for them. Chris Brown for instance is arguably one of the most talented musical artists and entertainers of this generation but the great body of music that he has released both in the past and the present are often overlooked because of the blunders he's endured within his social life. The most crucial mishap of all came when Brown put a brutal beating on Rihanna in a public relationship and he was immediately never able to recover or come back from that. While I am in now way condoning violence against women in relationships or in any other situation I do believe that it is unfair to hold a mistake against Brown as if the rest of us are free from fault. On another note Johnny Depp was also accused of violating Amber Heard through several bouts of domestic abuse yet I haven't seen too many reports publicly condemning Depp, if I'm not mistaken the new trailer for the next movie in the Pirates of the Caribbean movie are producing heavy traffic on the internet in spite of Depp's less than perfect behavior.
In light of the aforementioned relationships above I sought to illustrate the point that our expectations for what relationships are supposed to be lack something as simple as reality. Whether it's super corny quotes, pictures, or one too many likes on a picture via social media sites such as Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook I would definitely assert that so many people are confused as to the weight that being in a relationship carries. It's been portrayed as just another scheme to take cute pictures and insinuate things about those pictures that lack any substance. Nowadays failing to expose or report every aspect of your relationship as if things are without hardships is looked down upon. As a society we need to grow out of this weak mindedness and build relationships that are riveting and full not because they meet the threshold or standard of "relationship goals" but because we've employed communication and well-being in the physical, mental, and emotional sense of being.