Recruitment Video Puts Greek Life Under A Microscope | The Odyssey Online
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Recruitment Video Puts Greek Life Under A Microscope

Can we hear some real news? It was just a silly video.

Recruitment Video Puts Greek Life Under A Microscope

As Greek Life is once again attacked by the media for being stereotypical and devaluing women, I wonder if any of these individuals actually go beyond their biased opinion to see these individual chapters with individual members as more than binge-drinking air heads.

The answer is no. It is the reality all Greek Life students are facing. The sad part is that we are so much more than what people see.

Greek Life has produced actors, musicians, politicians, astronauts, writers and even presidents. Yes, there are some bad apples in the bunch, but they do not represent the majority of great leaders that are involved in Greek Life.

So the media is having a ball dissecting The University of Alabama's Alpha Phi chapter recruitment video.

Yes, we see the video is ridiculous. It is a PR tool to promote themselves to PNMs (potential new members) who are looking into five or more different chapters. Once again, the argument that women who oversexualize themselves are taking women's power away.

WHY?? Why are men allowed to use their sex appeal but women aren't. If they do, they are seen as "bimbos" and are ripped apart. So can we stop promoting women's equality while also bashing any group of women we deem as wrong.

Then came this, Fox News held a debate to discuss this video.Why? I am really not sure why this video is making headlines.

Katherine Timpf (left), Fox News contributor, and Carrie Sheffield (right), a columnist, debated whether or not the video crossed the line.

Timpf sees no problem with the video. As a greek member herself, she admits it is ridiculous but states that those women are adults. They can portray themselves in the way they please, but that doesn't represent all sororities.

On the other hand, Sheffield, who was not a greek student, takes this opportunity to express how much she thinks greek life is negative. Keyword: THINKS. She goes on to say that the schools she attended (BYU and Harvard) did not allow greek life because they “focus on academics, on relevant things and have a healthier outcome." Timpf quickly shuts her argument down in a way that only an empowered sorority woman would.

My favorite is that she uses the word relevant because what greek life does isn't considered relevant to her. They do community service, have study hours, and do so much more than drink. They actually have regulations and rules about drinking that members must follow. They build professional connections and friendships.That seems pretty relevant to me.

I am going to let you in on a little secret...are you ready?

College students consume alcohol, whether they are in greek organizations or not. Yeah, you think that the honors students aren't drinking? They are. So please stop using that ancient excuse that greek life is full of binge drinkers and therefore is evil. We are just an easy scapegoat for people.

Critics say that greek life promotes bouncy blondes who just want more dumb pretty girls. But do they realize that they showcase the girls playing football in there video. Also, have they looked at other recruitment videos besides that one? Videos that take a different approach?

I don't see this recruitment video making headlines. My favorite recruitment video so far. The Alpha Gamma Delta chapter at Arkansas State University embraced their funny side and made this masterpiece. Is this on the news as positive media toward greek life? Promoting girls to be themselves and have fun. No? Oh, that's weird.

I could go on and on about why greek organizations aren't the problem. The problem is that people are stuck in the past in this era where greek life was different. Times have changed. Just how individuals change in their way of thinking, greek life has evolved.

I understand the judgment for videos like The OU SAE chapter singing a racially offensive song, but that was one chapter that was punished for their shameful actions. They also disappointed greek students by showcasing us in a negative way. Why do we all have to pay? That is like saying since a small group of women hates vegetables, then all women hate vegetables. It is a silly example, but it is exactly the same. You can't just apply this way of thinking only when it benefits your point of view.

So stop pointing out all the bad if you aren't going to point out all the good greek organizations do. There is a reason greek life has been around for years, and it isn't the parties.

Think before you judge.

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