Reasons Why Your Pet Is The Only Best Friend You Need | The Odyssey Online
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Reasons Why Your Pet Is The Only Best Friend You Need

They love you to the moon and back.

Reasons Why Your Pet Is The Only Best Friend You Need

When they say a dog is a man's best friend, they aren't kidding. Whether you have a cat, a dog, or what have you, I'm sure you love your pet to the moon and back. Animals are great for companionship, therapy, coping, and for a million different reasons. Your pet becomes a part of your family and they're irreplaceable.

They listen to your rants and still love you.

I could go on and on for days how my pet has always been there for me. When I'm complaining about the annoying people in my life, she's right by my side (probably agreeing). When I'm stressed out about school, she can sense it and comes right over to me. Animals are a great form of therapy and provide comfort for those who need it. She lets me be myself and doesn't judge (at least I don't think she does). Besides, she knows so much about me that if there was anyone in this world who has blackmail, it's her.


Your pet will follow you around and never want to leave your side.

As soon as I come home from being away at school my pet runs over to me as if she hasn't seen me in years. Even though she's an animal, it warms my heart to know that there's someone who is always so excited to see me. Half the time she's following me around because I have food but that doesn't get rid of the fact that she's my shadow, and I love it. Here's a cute clip of a Parrot following their owner!

They are the best to cuddle with.

Your pet will be the best cuddle you know. They will lay with you for hours and nap the whole day away, as long as you pet them from time to time. They will cuddle with you in the most uncomfortable positions that'll keep you wondering if you should move them. My pet will lay with me as I watch a full season of "Bob's Burgers" on Netflix, and I'm not complaining.

Your pet is your personal vacuum cleaner.

No matter where I go in my house, my pet is ALWAYS following me. She's typically following me around because she doesn't want to be alone but mostly because I'm a slob and I drop crumbs everywhere. She always lays under or near the table watching everyone as they take bites of food, hoping to get a small portion. When doing the dishes, even though they're watered off, she'll lick all of the plates and spoons as they sit in the dishwasher waiting to be washed.

They'll let you dress them up.

Many cats and dogs will let their human dress them up in crazy outfits. Some dogs get their nails done while others get their fur dyed. It's all about the pet and humans preference. This year I got one of my pets a dress for Halloween even though she's not a small animal. But, you have to admit ... its pretty damn cute.

They love you unconditionally, unless you forget to fill their food.

I know that my pet loves me to the moon and back because I feed her, play with her, pet her, and have conversations with her. Animals love to be talked to just like babies and they require a lot of the same attention. My pet loves being around me just as much as I love being around her, she's my best friend. It's a different relationship than what I have with my human friends and that's what I love about it.

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