7 Reasons You Should Roadtrip With Your Partner
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7 Reasons A Road Trip Is The Best Way To Bond With Your Partner

You need to know if you can survive an hours-long car ride or not.

Photo by Luigi Manga on Unsplash

There's nothing more refreshing and exciting than a road trip. You have the open road in front of you, bags packed in the trunk, and an energy drink in the cup holder, locked and loaded. What could be better? The person you love, sitting in the seat next to you.

When thinking about taking a road trip with their partner, a lot of people become hesitant. It's a big step, and there's a long car ride they have to be confined together during. You'll probably read more articles damning taking a couples trip than praising it, but it's definitely one of the best ways to bond with your partner.

1. You get to experience a new place together.

Odds are, one of the main reasons you're even taking this trip to begin with is because it's somewhere new and exciting to at least one of you. Whether it's your first trip as a couple or your hundredth, it doesn't really matter because each new place is a new adventure for the two of you. You're able to immerse yourselves in the culture of this place, see the sights, and spend some intimate alone time together that you might not otherwise get the chance to have. After this trip is over, every time you think of where you vacationed, you'll think of the person you love. That's the best part.

2. You'll know how strong your love is after the car ride is over.

If there's anything that can put your love to the test, it's a car ride that's ten hours or more. Whether you're driving or riding in the passenger seat, it's a long time to be trapped around anyone. If you queue up a great playlist, stock the backseat with pounds of snacks, take turns driving as needed, and appreciate the sights you're driving past, you'll be just fine. Don't let the fact that you're trapped in a little vehicle for hours upon end cause you to become irritable with the one you love because once you reach your destination, it's officially time for your intimate vacation.

3. You get to make memories together that will last a lifetime.

You're going to be experiencing some of the best times of your life with the person you love most in the world. When you leave, you're going to go home with all of the memories you made from everything throughout your trip from the places to the people to the food. You'll forever be able to associate the person you love with memories from a place you'll leave loving too. You'll be able to laugh about spending way too much time in a car. You'll more than likely be able to make an entire photo album on Facebook from all of the pictures you'll take. You could have planned a road trip with anyone, but you chose to go with each other. That makes it all the more special.

4. You have someone to take Instagram pictures of you.

One of the worst parts about going somewhere by yourself or with your family is you have no one to take pictures of you for your Instagram. Your family usually barely knows how to work a camera, let alone find your angles, so it's just awkward unless you have a sibling. When you go on a trip with your significant other, however, it's like you have a personal photographer as needed. That's just part of the fine print in the contract they signed when they decided they loved you. Whether it's one picture or a hundred, it doesn't matter because they're contractually obligated to not get annoyed since they love you. Do it for the feed, honey, and feel no remorse.

5. You're able to get away from home for a while.

There's a lot that's back home that you both no doubt can use an escape from, whether that's family, school, or roommates. Some quality time together in a far away, new place can refresh you both, taking your mind of everything but each other. You don't have to worry about homework, your roommates always being home, or reporting everything you do to your parents. You're on a vacation together, so enjoy that quality time you have alone together because you probably won't get it back home for a while. Leave your worries at the door when you leave for your trip.

6. You get to know each other even better.

All that time in a car together will definitely be beneficial for educational purposes. You get to learn their gas station snack choices, their wide range of music choices, and the weird way they position themselves so they can sleep in a car. You will have hours upon hours to engage in conversation and learn aspects of their life you might not have known before. You'll be exposed to all of their bad habits while you're confined in that small space, whatever they may be. When you get back from your road trip, you'll know and love so much more about them that you'll already be looking at an Airbnb for next time.

7. You have someone to do all of the goofy tourist things with.

We all talk smack on tourists and their silly cargo shorts and visors, but let's be honest: we all kind of want to do the stuff they do, too. You finally will have someone who can go on the haunted tours, take pictures of you in front of murals, and see the "World's Largest Whatever" with. You don't have to worry about looking dumb with your fanny pack and water bottle, because you have someone else right beside you doing the same thing. You have nothing to be embarrassed about when you're being silly with the person you love.

No matter where you go, the only thing that really matters is who you're with: the person you love. You're embarking on a journey together, both physically and romantically. You're able to learn every inch of each other and experience a new place together. When you come home, you'll have an even greater appreciation for each other and tons of memories to look back on.

Don't buy into the articles that say your relationship will fall apart if you take a trip together because they're bullshit. If your love is real, driving to Florida or wherever won't be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Instead of worrying about your relationship survival rate, focus on your relationship itself. Learn more about your partner and spend your vacation happily by their side. The long car ride will pale in comparison to all the great memories you'll make together.

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