We have all had at least one toxic person in our lives, you know what I am talking about. The person who tears us down, the one trying to hold us back, doing everything in their power to make us feel less than and like we aren't good enough. It can take time to realize who this person is in your life because they present themselves as your friend but really they have ulterior motives.
There is nothing wrong with not wanting people like that in your life. I know there are times when you can't escape toxic people like at work or in your family and there is a different way to deal with them but this is for the people you have the choice to be around. You don't have to keep around people who aren't beneficial for you or toxic people because there can be devastating effects on yourself mentally and that can affect you physically. So if you're thinking about keeping that one person around here are some reasons you shouldn't.
You will be less stressed
I know you're thinking how is that even possible they're my friend, but trust me you will be. You won't constantly be trying to impress someone or feel like you have something to maintain because after all your friends are supposed to accept you for you so if you are having to be careful with what you say or how you act then are they really your friend?
You will begin to feel more like yourself againĀ
You will feel more like yourself because you won't have someone constantly reminding you of all of your flaws and reminding you who you are is not good enough when in fact who you are is beyond good enough.
You will be happier
You will feel less stressed and more comfortable being yourself and honestly once you cut out the negative people in your life you will grow more than you ever thought imaginable.
You will gain a new perspective on thingsĀ
You won't have someone else telling you what to think about yourself, the world, or others so you will get to experience life in a brand new way and your mind will change on so many matters.
You won't feel so much pressure all the timeĀ
Toxic people can be super pushy and controlling and make you feel like you have to be someone else all the time and one they're gone you won't feel that way anymore and you will get to decide who you want to be.
You begin to put yourself firstĀ
Toxic people can make you feel irrelevant and want all of your attention all the time so you get too wrapped up in solving everyone else's problems and taking care of everyone else you forget to take care of yourself but once there isn't anyone demanding everything from you all the time you begin to appreciate yourself and take care of yourself.
You'll be able to recognize the signs of a toxic person more easilyĀ
You have been around one and now you know what to look for and what the warning signs are, so do with that what you see fit.
Your priorities changeĀ
Your priorities become your own and not what someone else's is and it'll be weird at first but it is for the best because only you know what is best for you.
You grow from itĀ
You almost get to rediscover who you are because you're so used to being controlled by someone else that now you get to make your own decision and discover your own passions. You become someone new.
You begin to be more positiveĀ
If you have ever been around that negative toxic person you know what I mean. They're negative all the time and then it makes you negative but once you get rid of that person constantly feeding you negativity you begin to surround yourself with positive people and will begin to see things through a more positive lens.
You will begin to appreciate your other friends moreĀ
Toxic people often make sure we secluded so they can have more control over you but once you step back from that you will begin to appreciate the other people in your life so much more and who knows you may even begin to make new friends.
Cutting out a friend can be difficult sometimes but if they aren't the kind of friend you need you can't feel bad for cutting them out and doing what is best for you because at the end of the day it is your life, live with who you want to.