16 Reasons Why Every Single Gal Needs A Best Guy Friend
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16 Reasons Why Every Single Gal Needs A Best Guy Friend

Who needs a boyfriend when you have a best guy friend around, always and forever?

16 Reasons Why Every Single Gal Needs A Best Guy Friend
Maddison Boys

I would be completely lost without my best guy friend. He is everything I’ve ever needed and more. No, he is not my boyfriend and thank God for that because every girl should have a guy that is just a friend.

My example for that is Meredith and Alex Karev on "Grey’s Anatomy." They are the best example I can give people when anyone says “oh so you two aren’t dating? But don’t y'all hook up or anything?” NO! No, we do not.

Newsflash for all who do not know guys and girls CAN be JUST friends. The thing is, that the friendship is absolutely amazing. Meredith and Alex are best friends, they love like siblings, and fight like them too. They may seem like they would make the perfect couple but it would completely ruin what they have! They have this bond that no one can come between and they are always there for one another through thick and thin.

All those out there who don’t have one, I recommend getting one. Those who do have one I hope you relate to this on a spiritual level. My best guy friends are the greatest people on this earth and I wouldn’t trade them for anyone else. I mean single or not a lot of these things apply but since I’ve never had a boyfriend for longer than five months and I’ve only dated one guy, then my guy friends are my lifeline for the most part.

1. He is my handyman

There are moments in life when you won’t have a boyfriend and that’s when the best guy friend comes in handy, literally. Anytime I need to put a frame up, or tighten my bed, or anything that I need a handyman he comes to my rescue and saves the day, he also saves my friends lives when that happens as well.

2. Date night

We go out to all the restaurants I want to try with all my other friends and their boyfriends because I hate being the third wheel, and they can hold up good conversations just as well as I can. They will also join me to those $1 movie nights and commentate the movie and the people there.

3. Cuddle buddy

There are nights when all I want to do is cuddle and watch a movie and do nothing else. I can always go over to my guy friends house and crawl into bed and cuddle whenever I want. I don’t need to have a guy I just need them.

4. Has seen my bad days

He has seen me on my good days, and my bad days when I am dying from that hangover and puking in the bathroom. He will usually bring me whatever I need to survive and lay in bed with me while I die.

5. He is my person

Yeah, I have my best girlfriend who is my person and will help me bury that dead body if there ever was one. But then there's my best guy friend who when a guy breaks my heart I go over there and he makes everything better. He tells me all that is wrong, and right with me, and how I can be better. He also then will go kick the guy’s ass because well he’s a guy and doesn’t want to see someone who is like family get hurt like that.

6. He's my older brother

For those of you who have older brothers, I am jealous of you because I never had anyone older than me, I’m the oldest. So my best guy friends are my brothers they are the ones that are my family and I would be completely and utterly lost without them. Especially my best guy friend, he’s there for it, all the heartbreak, the tears, and the aftermath.

7. He's seen me cry

When I am ever hurt I can go crawl into his bed like Mer does to Karev and just let him see every side of me that I don’t allow anyone to see. I cry, I tell him everything and I just let everything go. I personally think that it is more calming to have a guy hold you and tell you it will all be ok than it is to have a girlfriend say to you or hold you.

8. He will never leave

This is a big one for me because I have daddy issues and I always feel like everyone's going to leave me. I know that he will not and that is something that speaks to me more than anything. Boyfriends come and go except for THE ONES but for those who don’t believe in that, you know your best friend will never leave you. He is family at this point and you know you can do whatever you want and he won’t go. I can throw my fit and apologize about it later and he will understand that I had a bad day and just needed to yell at someone. He won’t take things to heart because he knows he’ll probably do the same thing to me later down the road.

9. He is my beard

When we're at parties and guys start to hit on me I’ll quickly run up to him and kiss him on the cheek or be on him and immediately he will know that he is my fake boyfriend for the evening. It’s also very easy to use him as a fake boyfriend online when creeps won’t stop! Also when my family friends are freaking out about me not having a boyfriend I’ll bring him to weddings as my date so they stop asking me questions.

10. He is my #1

I haven't had a boyfriend in a while and since he has been the only guy in my life for a minute he is number one and the guy that one must go through. If I ever start dating a guy he is the one that the guy will have to make it through first. He has been the #1 guy in my life for so long that at this point if you don’t fit well with him than you don’t fit in my life. He is the guy that will be the ultimate deciding factor if you’re perfect for me. He is the person that will tell me exactly what he thinks, and he’ll know how the guy will think because he is one.

11. He is my insight to the world of men

Because of him I always know what guys mean, and how to think like one. With him being my insight to their world I’m also his insight to the world of females. We are quite complicated creatures and I help him out with making sure he understands how we think, and feel etc. He repays me by doing the same with guys.

12. Road trips

One of my favorite memories is taking road trips with my best guy friends! We turned on the music and jammed out and I couldn’t have been happier. We also discuss life and tease each other like siblings.

13. Best listener

He is the BEST listener. Sometimes he listens a little too well. There are moments when I talk and I wish he wasn't paying attention, or times when he hears half of what I say and decides to create a new joke out of it. He holds almost everything I say over my head but in a good way!

14. The phone calls

Our conversations on the phone last for hours and hours. I usually call him when I'm studying, bored or really any time of the day that I'm not around people. Our phone calls turn into Facetiming each other and being absolutely ridiculous. He's the one person I can be completely ridiculous with and not worry about how ugly or terrible I look.

15. Inside jokes

There are so many and I can't keep track of all of them most times. I absolutely love them though and can never stop laughing. EVER. Most of our inside jokes are making fun of how weird I am because around him, I can be myself and have no issues.

16. Knows how to pick me up

He is the only one that can change my mood so quickly and make me smile when I didn't think it was possible. When I am having the worst day he is the guy that knows exactly what I need when I need it.

In reality, at the end of the day who needs a boyfriend when I have my best friends in my life?! That’s exactly how I feel and that is how I will always feel. My best friends come first, above anyone and anything. They have made me who I am today. My best guy friends though are the ones who have pushed me and have helped me survive a lot of the things I never thought I could make it back from.

I have two best guy friends who are the world to me and they both fit every single reason as to why I have them, and why they are amazing. They will be in my wedding and they will be the ones that tell me who is the right guy and who isn’t! I love them to death and they are my people -- thanks guys for being everything.

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