Regardless of the way you feel about reality TV, there's no doubt that this type of television program is here and is widely popular. By using people who are just like us, these shows are able to connect on a very personal level while also allowing for escape. Personally, I am a reality television junkie. It does not matter the day of the week, because there is always a new episode of some reality TV show on (and if it is not on at the moment, I probably DVRed it.) From Keeping Up With The Kardashians to Million Dollar Listings, I watch and love them all.
To begin, lets look at the basic concepts of the genre:
Take for example The Real Housewives of…(you name a major city in the US, and there's probably a franchise for it). We tune into these shows because, in all honesty, we as people feed off of drama when it is not directly related to us. It's fun watch people who flip tables and yell at their so-called “friends”. Another great example of that is the Kardashians and the Chrisleys; these shows show families just like your family (living a life of extravagance that an average person couldn't lead) fighting and experiencing drama with one another. Of course this drama is fun, but in all honesty, why do I and most of America find ourselves so engrossed with reality TV shows?
I think that it all boils down to three things:
1. We like to see how together our lives truly are. It never ceases to amaze me when I see a reality TV star blow up on camera for simple, petty drama. One of my personal favorites, for example, is from the Real Housewives of New York. One of the Housewives, Aviva Drescher, got so worked up in drama that she actually THREW her prosthetic leg. This is just one of the vast examples of how reality TV shows are able to help us realize that we may have our act together after all.
2. It brings people together. There is nothing like talking about the latest episode Keeping Up With The Kardashians with someone. “I cannot believe she did that.” “She was snatching some mad weave there.” “Do you remember that part of the episode where…” Sure, these phrases are associated with other types of programs when people talk about TV, but here, the audience feels some sort of emotional relationship with the characters. In my life, reality TV shows have brought so many wonderful people into my life. We talk about, text about and laugh about the ridiculousness see. It's kind of a beautiful thing there.
3. It takes little effort to watch and enjoy these programs. You can lie on your bed, be on your laptop, and watch the show ALL without missing a single bit. Sure, they're predictable, but they're fun. They're relaxing. They're pretty much everything I look for in a show—they have relatable characters with drama that is NOT my own…and really that's all that I need to laugh and enjoy a program. Sure, these types of shows aren't mind stimulating, but at the end of the day after hours of classes and schoolwork, there's nothing that I look forward to much more than a mind numbingly fun episode of the latest reality television show.
For final remarks, I would just like to state that I am sure reality TV shows may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I know that it is mine. These types of shows are my guilty pleasure, and I am not one bit upset about that!