Bernie Sanders' Push To Secure The Nomination Is A Race Against Time
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Bernie Sanders' Push To Secure The Nomination Is A Race Against Time

A race against time.

Bernie Sanders' Push To Secure The Nomination Is A Race Against Time

So what can we say about Bernie sander’s rally in comparison to Hillary’s…

Well, first let me start by saying that the people in attendance in the Alumni Arena located at the University of Buffalo’s campus was over three times the people who attended the Hillary Clinton rally in the Pierce Arrow Museum. That’s right; more than 11,000 people attended the Bernie Sander’s rally with more than 8,000 people watching the rally outside of the area on the big screen. If that wasn’t massive enough, his message was felt throughout the building, as the atmosphere felt like a college basketball game.

Here’s what you missed…

Bernie Sanders finds himself in a very tight situation as he must win New York if he is to ever get a shot at securing the democratic nomination against Hillary Clinton. He didn’t come a long way to hold back and his speech reflected his intentions to make a strong push towards the presidency. He hints at the importance of securing the democratic nomination, saying that if there is a low turnout within the polling then it most likely be a huge campaign loss. He bashed the lack of effort on behalf of Wall Street and other big businesses that support his favorite quote “the top one percent.” He took a stand in the local setting believing that the police departments need to refrain from using lethal force as a first option. His attacks on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were well placed, and it didn’t seem as if he was putting on a slander show for our entertainment.

But that’s not what stole the show…

Obviously, the rally was held at the University of Buffalo. So it would make sense that senator Sanders expressed his concerns with women’s rights, equal pay and the amount of students that can’t find a job after college and is racking up student debt. The effect that had on the students of UB may have gotten him a clear cut nomination by the way the crowd reacted to his message.

Bernie pushed for expanding on substantial pay for living and not struggling, supporting the projected 15 dollars an hour minimum wage, and also promised an increase in jobs within the community provided by taxing the billionaire class. He addressed the concerns with women’s rights and establishing equal pay to level out the outcome of weekly paychecks and yearly incomes. Sanders stated that women spoke with him and was angry, saying that they want the “whole damn dollar”. In a sense I agree with the controversy surrounding equal pay, being that this is within my research field; I am fascinated and surprised as to why the pay gap is happening within society, and why hasn’t it been fixed.

When it comes to education, Bernie was spot on as he has to be. He probably has the majority of the younger generation, and must appeal to them because that’s where his strength lies. He explained the hardships that come with college, and the struggles that you have to face post-college. At one point in the speech, he stated that we are punishing students because they have succeeded in getting an education. Not finding help after college is certainly a concern for everybody, but when you look at the current president’s condition, you start to realize a trend:

1. Republicans HATE Democrats: This is probably the most obvious and it has taken a toll on reputation, and productivity. Slander comes to anyone sitting on the other side of the Republican Party and this is evident in the heat that Obama has gotten since his first days in office.

2. Good luck getting through: Getting laws passed is probably the most strenuous job as the president of the United States. With congress as stubborn as it is now, it’s almost like the law itself has a self-termination as soon as it leaves the presidents hand. I took eight years for Obama to gain some ground on a bi-partisan relationship, and I believe that it would take longer for Bernie Sanders to accomplish such strong tasks he laid out for himself, and for the people.

Now, I’m not saying that this will play a major effect in the months forward, but it might become a constant problem within the presidency, especially if that president is on the democratic side. He has just as much of a chance as Harry Truman had when trailing Thomas Dewey in the election of 1948. If he has any chance of winning the nomination, then he MUST get going….

And fast….

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