I've been there, many many times. I have so many things to do and can't seem to find a balance with just everything going on in life. I've had weeks when everything is scheduled to the T and I plan on sticking to it wholeheartedly. But let me ask you when was the last time you spent quality time with someone you love? I believe too often we become so consumed that we completely forget to show the people around us the time and attention that they deserve.
Quality time is one of the five love languages and I think some of us (including myself) need to make efforts to do this more often. And I know, sometimes we spend day and night with those we love, like our family members but that doesn't mean we are spending quality time with them. Break out of your routine, go somewhere new and take some time to talk and just spend time together. These moments become the ones we cherish the most.
I tend to take people for granted. There are people around me who show me constant support and love but sometimes I lack to show them my appreciation. Last week I blocked off a whole day to spend with my sister. This was something we hadn't done in so loooong. Usually, quality time for us is at home, sitting next to the couch, and being on our phones (sound familiar?). However this time we decided we needed quality time, out of the house and doing something fun. So we went to LACMA and the La Brea Tar Pits (the typical tourist spots) and honestly, it was the most fun I've had in a while. We were laughing at anything and everything and we got some cute pictures out of it. What more could I ask for? It was just a time for us to relax and enjoy each others company. Since then, we've been getting along better than usual because it made us communicate better and appreciate each other so much more.
I know our society is wired to always be thinking about what we have to do next but honestly that just leads to burnout. We have to learn to make room for quality time with people and make it one of our priorities.
So today, I encourage you to text your best friend, your mom, or just anyone you love and dedicate time to them. Show them you care. It will make your relationship so much stronger and will be so much fun!!!