If the Presidential Candidates Were Avatar Characters
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If the Presidential Candidates Were Avatar Characters

If the Presidential Candidates Were Avatar Characters

So far, for the 2016 election, 22 major candidates from the two parties have announced their candidacies. 22. That's a lot to keep track of. But you know whom we do know really well instead? TV characters. So, these comparisons should make it easier to know who's who. Please keep in mind that this is intended to be humorous or silly at some points, and I'm trying to keep as neutral as I can here, so will use both heroic and villainous characters across party lines. This is not an endorsement/rejection of any particular politician(s). Enjoy!

Secretary Hillary Clinton: Lin Beifong

Having some relationship drama with an important world leader in her past, she seems like a very tough, almost scary person with a thirst for power. Most of her moves seem rather calculated, and her actual intents and beliefs can seem rather enigmatic sometimes. Through her long career, she has made many enemies, even while doing the right thing. She is very tough, and her plans can be mysterious and calculated, but she genuinely cares for her people and does the right thing in the end.

Governor Lincoln Chaffee (D-Rhode Island): Prince Zuko

Born into the elite, he had political power from his family. However, he was always more caring and compassionate than others in his party, and that got him in trouble with that side. He left his side as he realized he was not welcome there, and became an ally and eventual member of the other major group, after wandering independently for a while.

Senator Bernie Sanders (I/D*-Vermont): King Bumi

This delightful old man with interesting hair cares deeply about his people, and says what he means and means what he says. He has a small and excited following, and is very popular among his constituents, but is much less well-known in the nation at large. He is one of the oldest, but he is still very strong and very passionate. Many think he just is a silly old man, but he has a lot of drive and support and is in this for the long haul.

*Sanders is an independent socialist who votes with the Democrats in the Senate. He has stated that he will NOT run as an independent.

CEO Carly Fiorina (R): Princess Azula

Of everyone on this list, she is by far the most cunning and terrifying. Every single word and move is precisely calculated. Born into extreme privilege, she is the embodiment of the elite, and is desperate for her coronation. She seems to have nearly zero compassion for anybody but herself, and seems to be only out for her own gains and a few of her elite allies. Any time she smiles, it's... rather... unsettling...

Governor Jeb Bush (R-Florida): Tarrlok

Lately, he's been trying hard to distance himself from his infamous brother. Governing a constantly fluctuating state on the sea, he seeks greater political power, and holds hawkish views. He seems like a moderate to the public, but would likely be willing to go to war, whatever the cost.

Doctor Ben Carson (R): Master Pakku

He is extremely skilled at his job and is very well-known and admired for that outside of politics. Many want his skills, and he knows a lot about healing people, so he taught students in his field. Politically, he is is known for his very conservative views.

Governor Rick Perry (R-Texas): Bolin

He seems to be a very well-intentioned guy, but he puts his foot in his mouth almost whenever he speaks, even when he has the occasional good idea. He tries to prove himself smarter than everyone's image of him. He comes from a part of the country with a lot of diversity, but there is conflict between the many groups in his area, so that is a concern of his.

Senator Jim Webb (D-Virginia): Jeong Jeong

He was once a very powerful leader of a strong navy. Like Zuko, he left his side after realizing he disapproved of their merciless plans and disregard for the oppressed. He still remains well respected for his boldness, yet many are unsure quite who he is or what his views are. He wanders independently for a while, and eventually helps the other side.

Governor Jim Gilmore (R-Virginia): Fire Nation Music Teacher

Unless you really pay attention, you probably haven't heard of him, as he was introduced into the plot pretty late in a small appearance with little attention. He understands the importance of education more than many on his side, but is also very socially conservative, enforcing strict rules on lifestyle.

Governor Martin O'Malley (D-Maryland): Sokka

He's a very charismatic speaker with great ideas and plans, but he puts his foot in his mouth often when he speaks in front of a big crowd, often with statements that accidentally turn off his base, making some question his leadership skills. Still, he really cares about his people, and has great plans for them.

Governor John Kasich (R-Ohio): Master Piandau

He seems more compassionate than the others on his side, and actually works with the other side sometimes, to good ends. He is respected by most, and admired by many. He is comparatively moderate, wise, and peaceful relative to the others on his side.

Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky): Jet

As a strong libertarian, he is very suspicious of the government and does everything he can to stop government action which he believes is wrong, even to extreme and sometimes strange measures. Through the sheer power of charisma, he gathers a small yet passionate following. He is very into his ideals and particular brand of "freedom." He feels somewhat different from the rest of the people on his side, and feels very driven due to his father.

Governor George Pataki (R-New York): Ty Lee

Because they are much more compassionate than their allies, many wonder what they are doing on their sides, and why they do not switch as their team's beliefs drift further from theirs. They are very capable of working with both sides.

Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida): Hahn (Northern Water Tribe)

He is both one of the younger ones, and he comes from the same state as Jeb Bush/Tarrlok. He is considered to be popular, charismatic, and handsome by his supporters and his side. Like many from his state, he continues to hold conservative views, even as the state grows more cosmopolitan. He has a lot of expectations placed upon him by older authorities and the establishment.

Governor Bobby Jindal (R-Lousiana): Cabbage Man

Literally nothing seems to go right for this guy, and whenever he gets any screen time, which is quite rare, it's because something is going terribly wrong for him. He's just trying to get attention and sell his cabbages/policies, but his plans go awry when other characters do bigger moves.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina): Desna

He is a foreign policy hawk and is very strongly nationalist. Has a moderate amount of power, but does not get much screen time. Were he a head of state, the first lady would be his sister.

Governor Chris Christie (R-New Jersey): Admiral Zhao

Loud, obnoxious guy with a position of power. The Governor of New Jersey is one of the most powerful, as he has a line-item veto, and Zhao is a powerful admiral. Most of what they do is to get attention from the higher-ups, or for his own rise in power and influence. Sworn enemy of avatars/teachers unions, and he picks fights with them a lot.

Senator Rick Santorum (R-Pennsylvania): Lee (from the Zuko Alone episode)

Growing up in a working-class family in a rural area, he at least knows a thing or two about how poor people live, and uses different rhetoric than various others. He is not a fan of fascism, as his family has had bad experiences with dictatorships, but he goes to extreme measures to achieve this goal, often becoming very reactionary against certain people from other countries. He talks a lot about family.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas): Avatar Kuruk

He really likes to pick fights, and that costs him a lot sometimes. However, he has a lot of power, but does not use it very well or effectively. His views come from a very conservative part of the world where he grew up, and he was born in a very cold country.

Governor Mike Huckabee (R-Arkansas): Due (One of the Foggy Swamp Guys)

Coming from a poor place in the South with a lot of swamps, he is deeply spiritual and very close to his friends and family. He values these connections deeply, and they motivate many of his actions. He is not the most intelligent of all the characters/candidates, but he is one of the more compassionate ones in his region, and is more of an environmentalist than one would expect.

Billionaire Donald Trump (R*) : Varrick

This celebrity eccentric billionaire seems to have a lot of attention, whether he's making sense or not. Whatever one thinks of him, he's certainly among the most entertaining characters, and everything he says or does makes the long plot more enjoyable. He is seeking more power, yet nobody is sure what he would do with it precisely, but the results could be either hilarious and/or terrifying. Nobody knows.

*Trump is running in the Republican primaries, but has not ruled out an independent run in the general election.

Governor Scott Walker (R-Wisconsin): Unalaq

This guy really doesn't like workers, and does not listen to anybody in his quest for power. He's done a lot more harm than good while in power, and yet seeks more and more. It can get very cold where they're from. Unlike fellow villain Varrick/Trump, he's still evil, but is very bland and not even entertaining. He's the worst combination: evil AND boring.

BONUS: These are not declared candidates, but they have affected the election.

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts): Suyin Beifong

Although lots of people wanted her leadership, she turned down the opportunity, even though she is very popular, well-respected, charismatic, and outspoken. Her not seeking power led to room for a much more stern, somewhat less beloved, woman to take power instead.

Vice President Joe Biden (D): Uncle Iroh

Compassionate, outspoken old man who has been around for while and is experienced enough to know how the world works and what to do. Knows how to speak to lots of people and more intelligent than he seems, yet is often portrayed as a silly old man who only says foolish things. Nobody is sure what he will do, whether he will or will not run for president/help the avatar. He is mourning the loss of his son. Eventually advises and helps...

President Barack Obama (D): Aang

As an overly idealistic leader, he inspires a lot of hope and change at the start of his rise to power. He begins as very young and inexperienced, as many point out as a downside to his leadership, yet his charisma distracts many from this flaw. As leader, he inherited a broken and chaotic world from his predecessor. He likes negotiations, but as time goes on, he realizes there are some adversaries he simply cannot win over, so he eventually uses force. Additionally, he is very unique in his position due to racial demographics. One is the only African-American president, and the other is the last living airbender in the world. Eventually, he gets advice and support from Iroh/Biden.

The Koch Brothers (R): Sozin's Comet

This very powerful entity powers up one side greatly above the others, much to the other side's dismay. One side devises large plans revolving around getting power from this source.

Cable News (: The Ember Island Players

Often hilariously, they grossly misrepresent the facts and misconstrue history as propaganda for their side, providing comic relief. Take everything they say with a grain of salt, but also sit back and enjoy the comedy.

Stay informed, everybody!

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