A Prayer For Donald Trump
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A Prayer For Donald Trump

This is not to bash you. This is my prayer for you.

A Prayer For Donald Trump

Dear Mr. President,

You were inaugurated this past weekend and I'd be lying if I said I was thrilled about it. My heart is heavy and it hurts for the state of our nation. I am worried of the things to come and I am worried about all of the things to come that I don't know. But I'm not writing this to bash you. I'm writing this as my hopes and my prayer for you as the 45th President of our already great nation.

Last week someone said that I should just pray for you and accept this for what it is. I replied back that I wasn't sure that my prayers would even reach you anyway so I wasn't going to. Later, it hit me what that would have meant for my life if people had said the same thing about me. So I will pray for you. I will pray for our nation. These are my hopes for you.

I pray you find great courage.

When David fought Goliath, people counted David out much too early. Due to his size and stature, they didn't think he would survive. Yet, with a few small stones, David fought Goliath and he was victorious. I hope you can find the courage to seek the stones that will make you victorious with our nation through these next years of your Presidency. When George Washington lead the fight against England, he was outgunned and outmanned. He was outnumbered on every side and yet, with him at the lead, our great nation was born. I hope you find the courage like he had. I hope you put people in place around you that can guide you in the right direction. I hope you become a great leader and have the courage to do all the things that takes.

I pray you use wisdom and good judgment in all decisions you are faced with making.

There's a story in the Bible of King Solomon where he has to decide which mother the baby belongs to. One mother had rolled over accidentally on their baby during the night and killed it and now both women were in front of the King saying the baby was theirs. King Solomon decided to cut the child in half so they would each have the baby. When one woman told the King not to do that, that the other woman could have the child, he knew that she was the real mother. King Solomon used his wisdom in every decision he made. I hope that you find wisdom and that you seek it from God so that He may lead you in the right direction. When John F. Kennedy was faced with nuclear war, he kept his cool. He thought everything through and used his best judgment to make the call that was right for our nation. He used his judgment in a way that kept the United States out of a war like it had never experienced on its ground before. I hope you can find the same calmness and judgment for your Presidency that he displayed in that moment.

I pray you are honest and care about all of the people of America no matter their race, gender or social class.

There's a story in the Bible about the good Samaritan. A man was beaten and robbed on his way to a city and everyone that came across him refused to help him because of his ethnicity. Then, finally a Samaritan came through and helped the man, despite their differences. I hope you too can be a President who is for all of the people who are here. I hope you realize that America is great and we are a great melting pot, full of diversity and a beautiful originality. Teddy Roosevelt was honest when it came to the things he told the people. He cared about the people that made up this great nation. I hope you find what he had and I hope you implement that in every part of your Presidency but especially when you are making decisions for and about the people.

I pray that you unite us as a country, instead of causing more division.

Throughout the story of Jesus, we see the Pharisees. We saw the way the divided the people with their words. There are many scriptures in the Bible about the tongue. The Pharisees spent their time seeking ways to divide the people, to turn them against a common enemy: Jesus. Jesus came to Earth to save and to love everyone, with no exceptions. He worked to unite His people, to bring them together for the cause of love and salvation and truth. I hope that you find a way to work toward uniting the people of the United States because this is vital to our nation's survival now more than ever. We need to be unified. We need someone to lead us in the right direction. We need someone who teaches with love and not hate. I hope you can be that. Ronald Reagan believed strongly in immigration. He believed that anyone could come here and work if they had the ability and make a better life for themselves and their family. My hope is that you take his philosophies and ideas and really look into them. My hope is that you let go of this notion of a wall that will divide families forever, that will cause pain and heartache. My hope is that you find a different solution to this problem you seem to see. Because this wall will only cause division, not unity.

America is a beautiful, strong, great place. We are a nation full of diversity. We are a country of people who are not afraid to fight for what they believe in and will fight against inequalities and injustices. You do not need to make America great again because we are already great.

I pray that you surround yourself with the right people who will influence you in the correct way to go. I pray you find knowledge and wisdom and strength. I pray that you are a President who is for every person of every color and of every gender and of every class, be it rich or poor. I pray that you seek God's truth first. I hope you leave our nation greater than you found it.

Most importantly, I pray you do so well that you would be someone I would want to vote for next time around.

Good luck, Mr. President.

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