Power Ranking 20 Characters Of Friday Night Lights
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Power Ranking 20 Characters Of Friday Night Lights

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

Power Ranking 20 Characters Of Friday Night Lights

Senior year of high school my school allowed us to bring laptops and iPads for note taking. This was a big mistake because I spent most of my classes binging Friday Night Lights. Did I shirk my obligations as a student? Yep. Did I cry alone in my living room at 2 AM when I finished the series? Maybe. But this was all in the name of football, kinda.

Here, I present you my ranking of some main and some recurring characters.

20. Joe McCoy

Man, look at him; nothing about this character is likable. You can't be the anti-Coach Taylor and place high on this list. Not only is he the direct cause of both Coach Taylor's and Matt Saracen's sadness, but he also abuses his bratty son. Get out of my face, McCoy.

19. Julie Taylor

Julie sucked. She had the best TV parents ever and STILL turned out to be terrible. She managed to hate an infant, cheat on Matt Saracen for The Swede, had an affair with her married TA, and got alpha Tim Riggins in trouble for protecting her from a tornado. And that face she always makes? The worst.

18. Buddy Garrity

Buddy was kind of a loser. He lost his wife, Lyla's college fund, and the respect of his children. What else? He tries to get Lyla to dump her paraplegic boyfriend, conspires against Coach Taylor, and tries to get back with his ex-wife when she goes to remarry. At least he isn't Joe or Julie.

17. JD McCoy

JD's a brat that will never be Matt Saracen. We're done here.

16. Lyla Garrity

It's hard to cheat on your paraplegic boyfriend with his best friend and place high up on the list. "But Louisa, then why is Tim so high on this list?" HE REDEEMED HIMSELF, ALRIGHT. To be fair, Lyla wasn't that bad. Yeah being obnoxiously optimistic about Jason's fate and the high-and-mightiness from finding Jesus were annoying, but she could've been worse. And she ended up at Vanderbilt despite Buddy's foolishness, so she turned out alright.

15. Becky Sproles

Is falling in love with one of your mom's one night stands weird? Yeah. Going past that, Becky beat the odds. Her mom was often pretty absent due to bartending and her dad was a deadbeat. Not to mention she got knocked up the first time she has sex with Luke (Matt Saracen 2.0) and then has to deal with the backlash over her abortion. Yeah she ends up with Luke, but we all know she never really got over Tim.

14. Billy Riggins

I'm conflicted about Billy. On one hand, he foolishly opens a chop shop that lands Tim in jail. On the other hand, he gave up college to raise Tim and always meant well. You also couldn't help but to feel sorry for the guy. He lived in the shadow of his little brother, knocked up his unstable wife with twins, and received zero respect from his players as a member of the East Dillon coaching staff. A weird storyline was him teaching his rural Texan football players a Polynesian war dance that leads to Buddy Garrity Jr's injury. You win some, you lose some (you lose most if you're Billy).

13. Jason Street

This guy couldn't catch a break. He was supposed to be QB at Notre Dame with his super gorgeous girlfriend Lyla in tow. Instead, he becomes a paraplegic and lives with the fact his super gorgeous girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend. But it's ok! He plays rugby! Finds love! Defies the odds and fathers a child! Works at a sports agency! Yeah it isn't the NFL like he was predicted to join, but it's something. So why isn't Golden Boy higher on the list? I'm deducting points for that stunt when he tries to sue Coach Taylor.

12. Jess Merriweather

Jess was cool. Her short-lived relationship with Landry was super weird, like most of Landry's relationships. Even though she's fictional, she makes all of us look like underachieving fools: she helped raised her brothers, managed her family's BBQ joint, led the East Dillon spirit squad, and became equipment manager. Yeah she might've shredded Landry's emotions, but she was incredibly likable.

11. Landry Clarke

Landry. So pure. Besides him killing an attempted rapist, but we'll give him a pass. He's the nerdy best friend who always meant well. His romantic ventures always turned out a little strange, and that includes the time he tried to date a lesbian. BUT HE ALWAYS MEANT WELL. I can't tell what's more tragic: his Christian metal band or the fact that Coach Taylor always forgot his name. Either way, Landry was great.

10. Luke Cafferty/ Matt Saracen 2.0

I live in suburban New York so I don't know much about rural Texas. But nothing screams small town country boy quite like Luke, especially his parents trying to get him to ghost Becky so he can be committed to the family farm. It's hard not to have a soft spot for Luke. Was lying about his address to stay with the Dillon Panthers low? Yeah. But seeing him go on that bus in fatigues in the last episode can't help but make your heart swell.

9. Corrina Williams (Smash's Mom)

Honestly, most of the single parents on FNL were pretty bad (I.E. Becky's mom and Tyra's mom). Not Corrina, however. She always kept Smash's ego in check and was able to raise three kids by herself.

8. Smash Williams

Did Smash have a huge ego? Yes. Did he speak in third person? Also yes. But Smash was great. His knee-injury storyline was arguably the best in the series. Smash walking onto the Texas A&M team? Moved me to tears. You KNOW that if Smash went to the NFL he would have an end zone dance that rivals Victor Cruz's salsa.

7. Herc

Jason's vulgar roommate was probably one of my favorite recurring characters in the series. He's able to whip Jason into shape and see that being paralyzed doesn't mean you can't live life. I'm not saying that Herc was directly responsible for Jason's happiness after his accident, but Herc was directly responsible for Jason's happiness after his accident.

6. Vince Howard

We first meet Vince coming out of a cop car. So we're off to a good start. He was doomed to a cycle of destitution with a rough upbringing and both parents in jail. Instead, he finds love with Jess (sorry Landry), gets his mom treatment, wins a scholarship, and thrives as QB for East Dillon. Oh, and his winning catch in the series finale? GOAT

5. Matt Saracen

QB1? QB2? Artist? Caregiver of his grandma suffering from dementia? Best boyfriend ever to the second worst character in the series? How can you not like Matt Saracen? He wasn't the most particularly gifted athlete, but dude had HEART. He dealt with a lot too such as: Julie Taylor, a cheating girlfriend (Julie Taylor), boosters that wanted him out, a grandma with dementia, a mom who peaced out a long time ago, and an emotionally disconnected father. But he STILL turned out to be an amazing person.

4. Tyra Collette

If we had to compare Lyla to Tyra, I'll share my unpopular opinion that Tyra is far superior. We see her grow and discover she's a strong woman who doesn't need male approval to be powerful. Her determination to leave Dillon is admirable and she works hard to get into college. Is it strange for someone who hates Texas to date a cowboy of all people? Sure. Was stringing Landry along wrong? Also sure. But she's proof that Tami Taylor can raise a young woman who doesn't turn out to be the worst person ever minus Joe McCoy (See: Julie Taylor).

3. Tim Riggins

I KNOW I KNOW. Like every other female on the show with a pulse, I am also a big fan of the superior Riggins brother. Tim was all around a great person. Let me list some ways: saving Julie from a tornado, being a great boyfriend to Lyla, taking Becky pageant dress shopping, his "Texas forever" speech, TAKING THE FALL FOR BILLY WITH THE CHOP SHOP FIASCO SO HE CAN STAY WITH HIS FAMILY. Does he lose points for having an affair with his best friend's girlfriend and for bailing on college? Yeah. But at the end of the day, WWTRD? Win over America's heart. And crush some beers.

2. Coach Taylor

Coach Taylor is unarguably the best TV dad ever. Not only was he a skillful coach, but he was a father figure for his players. He started from the ground-up to build the East Dillon Lions after being screwed over by Joe McCoy and the boosters. And you know what? They ended up being a better team than the Panthers in the ultimate middle finger to Joe McCoy and the boosters. Such a power move. Not only did he build champions, but he built character. Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.

1. Tami Taylor

No one should be surprised. Not content with being a trophy wife, Tami GOT. THINGS. DONE. She became guidance counselor of Dillon High and later principal. She always did the right thing even if it wasn't the popular thing to do. She's the main reason Tyra got into the college and turned her life around. She really was everyone's mom. What more? She was able to convince Coach to move to Philadelphia so she could pursue her own career. A power move on her part. Not to mention her hair. Beautiful, driven, and successful, Tami is by far the most superior character of Dillon, Texas.

Texas forever, until you move to Philadelphia.

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