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So, Thanksgiving Break Is Over, What Now?

Feelings every college student has on the way back to school.

So, Thanksgiving Break Is Over, What Now?

By this time probably most of you have already gone through Thanksgiving break. However, once break is half over you realize all the responsibility that has to be reclaimed after a week of doing absolutely nothing. Here are some thoughts every college student has returning to campus after Thanksgiving break:

1. Oh My God, Finals

If you thought you were done in October with no fall break, you definitely can't be done this late in the game. Even though three weeks seems like a long time(which it is but not really), it's going to come so fast. In addition, it's also really scary how much studying you realize you have to do that you didn't do the entire semester.

2. The One Class You Are Hoping To Just Pass

We've all had that one crazy professor that makes a general education class harder than it needs to be and intentionally makes students struggle. In result, you are sick of this professor making your life a definite struggle and pray that a Christmas miracle happens and you pass the class.

3. Thanksgiving Is Basically Pre-Christmas

All of us college students know that Thanksgiving continues to become less of a holiday when you come home from break and the black Friday specials have already started. That's right, it's time to make that Christmas list and buy the majority of the things you want before supplies is limited or completely sold out.

4. I Have To Leave My Bed Again...

Even though your school bed is pretty comfortable, it will never feel like a real bed. It is achievable to feel rested sleeping in your college or dorm bed, but won't provide an all-around amazing sleep.

5. I Have To Lug All My Clothes Back To School

Nothing gets more annoying than transferring your clothes and other necessities from one location to the other. It's like bringing your entire life with you every time you visit or stay the night or aka traveling. And then you realize I have to do this for the next four years, woo.

6. Buying As Many Goods As Possible That You Ran Out Of Before Break

The last week of classes before break, you are honestly just trying to get by with doing the least amount of work possible, including getting food at the grocery store or going on a much-needed Target run. On any other week it would be great, but just not this week.

7. All Motivation Is Lost

Barely skirting by on the last week before break is the way to do it. You're not motivated, your hallmates aren't motivated, no one is motivated. Let's be honest, if time travel was a thing, it would obviously be going forward in this case. All us students can do is basically hurry up and wait for the week that seems like an eternity to slowly end.

8. Finishing Strong

You've come back from break refreshed from your one nap a day or continuous Christmas shopping and now you have to work again? Staying motivated is key this time of year with the distractions of Christmas, seeing family, reflecting on the year, life's achievements, etc.. It's an exciting time but also a hard time filled with pressure and anxiety about the entire semester wrapped into one. Find what keeps you focused because at the end of the semester because it is the grade that matters!

We're all really sad break has ended, but all we can do is get back on the grind and patiently wait for the next one!

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