How To Stay Positive In A Negative World | The Odyssey Online
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How To Stay Positive In A Negative World

Life is tough, but so are you.

How To Stay Positive In A Negative World

It has become clear by now that we're all pretty sick of the world progressively going to shit. It has turned many people into the jaded and hate-the-world type, like they are reaching their 16-year-old rebellious phase many years late. I will be the first to admit that I was faulty of this, but it was not until I chose to reflect that I realized how immensely negativity can impact quality of life.

To be frank, there is a lot to be upset about. Whether that be the global pandemic that has been a constant pain in the ass for about a year now or perpetual social injustices that seem to never end, it is completely understandable to be agitated with the world.

Yes, I am pissed that the years that are supposed to be the most iconic for me are taken away by a global pandemic. Yes, I am pissed that both the government and my university refuse to help or refund student tuition and cost of living on campus when I haven't used a university building since last March. Yes, I am pissed that minority groups keep facing discrimination and inequity in their daily lives. Yes, I am angry that our world has become so divided that it seems like there is no shred of love left. However, I cannot let these negative thoughts take over my life; and neither should you.

Four years ago, I wrote on my whiteboard in my bedroom a quote that deeply resonated with me. Kurt Vonnegut stated, "Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place." In other words, stop letting outside negative influences alter who you are. You have to see the good. Choosing and fixating on negativity will do nothing for you.

Instead, redirect your attention to a positive source. Recognize that although life may be kind of shitty right now, it is only temporary and things will get better. Start practicing gratitude and recognize what you have to appreciate. Eradicate negative self-talk and be nicer to yourself. Surround yourself with positivity in your day-to-day activities. Look for a silver lining. Reach out to others. Become a better you.

In conclusion, I want to make it clear that you can focus on the issues our world faces to try to better them and be on the right side of history, but do not let the negativity of the process drag you under. I am not telling you that you need to focus on all sunshine and rainbows. That is unrealistic. There will be times when you have no desire to be happy, and it is natural. It only becomes a problem when you let that negativity dominate your life and impair your mental health.

Your focus determines your reality; manifesting negative thoughts will only vitiate your life. Never stop being a good person because of bad people or bad things. Visualize your best self and start showing up as her. That is when life starts to become better. That is the secret to being happy.

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