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7 On-Campus Jobs At UTK That Will Bring In Some Money And Work With Your Schedule

Here are a few places that hire full-time students on campus!

7 On-Campus Jobs At UTK That Will Bring In Some Money And Work With Your Schedule

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Finding ways to earn money can be hard while in school because being a full-time student is serious business, but here are a few places on campus that can provide you a little pocket money and experience while still being flexible!

1. UT Housing

On campus, each residence halls hires people throughout the year. All year, students can apply to be an office assistant. Office assistants are needed 24/7 to act as a receptionist at the front desk of each residence hall. They greet residents and other visitors and help keep everything in order. During the spring semester, UT Housing begins the hiring process for resident assistants and summer conference assistants.

2. Vol Shop

There are multiple vol shops on and off campus and they are also hiring all year. As an employee, you are responsible for providing great customer service and are required to work a minimum of 12 hours, all home football games, and on alternating non-football Saturdays.

3. RecSports

The University of Tennessee RecSports Department is hiring multiple positions in TRECS and the Student Aquatic Center. For both locations, they are looking for receptionists who are responsible for greeting patrons, answering questions about RecSports services, and managing memberships. At the Student Aquatic Center, they are also hiring lifeguards for the pools so if you are certified this is a good job that you have a great shot of getting. RecSports is also hiring Referees and Scorekeepers for their intramural sports. Intramural sports include many different sports leagues and tournaments each year that many UT students participant in. As a referee, you are required to dedicate 10-15 hours per week.

4. Research

Research is not just limited to science and research opportunities can be found in all departments across campus. While some may be unpaid, you can work up to a paid position. Research positions are also very beneficial because they look great on resumes and can help you gain more knowledge and experience in your field.

5. Telefund

At the Telefund, students act as a fundraiser and contact alumni and other friends of UT to share news about the campus and also raise money. It is conveniently located on campus in the Presidential Court so on-campus students will have no trouble in getting there and the hours are very flexible. Working at the Telefund is a great starting job and you can find more information here

6. Vol Dining

All across campus, there are different types of dining locations that are always looking for students to staff. Dining locations include the cafeterias and other restaurants such as Chik-fil-A, Qdoba, Subway, and many more. There are many benefits to working with vol dining including flexible hours, free meals, and the opportunity to meet new people as on-campus dining locations are used by thousands of students.

7. Center for Student Engagement

The Center for Student Engagement is currently hiring for office assistants in their office. As an office assistant, your duties including answering phone calls, checking out equipment and programs, and entering data for the office. Requirements include being proficient in Excel and Microsoft word. This is a great job to begin on campus and gain more opportunities through student engagement. You can find more information about the job here.

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