Life as a teenage girl is tough as it is. School, work, a social life and being labeled the quiet girl on top of that can be rough. Being an introvert always seems to be looked down upon when it really shouldn't be at all. Here are a few things the quiet girl wants you to know.
Starting a conversation can be tough for me.
It's not always easy for me to just start a conversation. It doesn't mean "I don't talk" or don't have a lot to say, because I really do. I'm just not exactly the best at starting conversations with people. I get nervous when I'm talking sometimes. Meeting new people is a tough task as well. I just have a fear of being judged. If you start a conversation with me and make me feel comfortable talking to you, I have no problem at all holding a conversation. I actually am a really friendly person in comfortable situations.
I'm not weird or stuck up.
A lot of people consider quiet people to be weird. Just because someone doesn't start many conversations or talk a lot in class doesn't mean they're a strange person. Some people also believe quiet people are judgmental. They think just because they may not say a lot, they think they're better than everyone else. None of these things are true. How would you even know what I'm like if you've never talked to me before? My friends know me as a humerus, caring person. Don't judge a book by its cover.
Stop shaming the quiet girl.
Being "the quiet girl" is constantly considered a negative thing. People are constantly judging others and looking down upon each other for personality traits we have no control over. "Just talk" and "stop being awkward" are not solutions to the problem. Some people are just introverted. I'm quiet; it's who I am and I'm okay with that. Not everyone has an outgoing personality. If we could all just stop judging each other and take a second to be friendly, and give the quiet girl a chance, you may make a great new friend.