Open Letter To The DNC: If You Want To Stop Trump
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Open Letter To The DNC: If You Want To Stop Trump

Thank you to Bernie Sanders.

Open Letter To The DNC: If You Want To Stop Trump

To the Democratic National Committee,

Hi. I know I’m a small fish in a big ocean and I probably mean nothing to you because I don’t have the backing of a multi-million dollar company, but I can tell you that I speak for the average working person. Well, most, I can never really speak for all, but I think all voices should be heard. This party should be founded and representative of all voices. We as an oppressive party should always be reprehensive. In this letter, I will be referencing to the frustration I had with your party that was underlying and suddenly became clear this election. You claim your party tailors to the oppressed and the average person when clearly it became more and more of an illusion. I, along with many others, lost faith in your party. I am writing this in hopes that you are a party that can prove me wrong.

The claim that I will support you in November becomes more and more difficult. I know how to work with people with different opinions. One of the most respectable presidential candidates that went by the name of Bernie Sanders knows how to also. He is respectful toward many republicans; one that speaks out on his behalf is John McCain. They were able to come together on the fact no greater than veterans. This should be an example more people should be taking note of. He may not be perfect, because people aren't, but I believe that is one of the key victories that any candidate needs to have in order to have a successful presidency. See, I am an independent but often support a democrat nominee because my views are more left. By having Hillary Clinton as your nominee this year, I can honestly say you scare me more than the GOP and that says a lot because Trump and Pence truly scare the bejesus out of me. I am ashamed. You are forcibly pushing a pretty large sum of people into voting for someone who they don’t support in fear of someone else.

For many progressives like me, it is no longer working. We shouldn’t fear other people’s opinions because then how do we learn to grow? Plus, in hindsight, we can realize we have more common ground. We all just want a better place to raise our children. We no longer care if Obama, Bernie Sanders or the infamous Elizabeth Warren endorses her; the value is in people who should be voiced out against her. By having Hillary represent our party is being taught and convinced the most forward thinking is to have a woman president. If we continue in that case, many people who regularly vote for your candidates will resent you after this election. With the little time Bernie had, he changed everything for many others including myself. He ignited a flame within the younger generation to not only challenge your own beliefs, but to accept the difference of opinion. He also instilled that we should evaluate and hold candidates to a higher standard. I cannot go back to the incompetence that I was forced to ignore previous to this election.

We no longer want members of congress to be the status quo even if it’s a risk to all we accomplished. But you see, in the GOP, many republicans spoke out against their nominee. Mitt Romney is one example of a few who will not support his party’s recommendation. Who within the Democratic Party has spoken out against Clinton? Contrary to what you think, the email controversy for many people is a huge deal. The FBI basically said that it would have been different if it were any other person who had been “careless.” No one should be held above the law. "We" as a society seem to feel like reporters who have falsely accounted instances to be held to a higher standard than certainly for a presidential nominee should be as well. The fact that she only seems to change her mind when it’s convenient and popular should be a more than an enough reason to why she would not be the viable candidate for your party. Considering there are nameless people in congress like Bernie Sanders have been fighting for everything your party claims to be consistently and may be unpopular at a time but should be a human right. Your party should not be yet another filled with so much cowardliness and hypocrisy. I don’t want your “pretend sit-ins,” when clearly there are congressmen and women in your party being paid by gun lobbyists to vote the opposite. You have proved yourselves ethically the same as the GOP, and I can no longer remain silent.

The wiki-leaks through emails that surfaced between delegates within your party proved that Bernie Sanders was telling the truth. You claim that your party has always remained neutral when clearly that is not the case. You say that your party only does well with high voter turnout when that is clearly false. A lot of people, including my mother and some of my friends, had to fill out a provisional ballot because they were not on the list. The lines at primary voting booths were more than hours worth the normal wait. A day before the California Primary, the media stated the Democratic nominee was clinched before people actually had a chance to vote. This seems coincidental now that we have a candidate that drew large numbers of people to finally be involved with issues and not just a standard façade or image. What I want to know is why were you using all of your effort to stop a man that spreads the rhetoric of peace, love, and togetherness when you haven’t been combining forces to stop a man whose rhetoric is pure hatred. Bernie was uniting people from all walks of life. Does the fear of losing control of the population scare you? Do people who are actually caught onto political tactics scare you and the GOP? Because I know what only a few others know, your main goal is not to stop Trump, since the person you choose to represent you isn’t leading the popular vote by double digits.

I know nothing will change the game now. Now that Debbie Schultz resigned, there is no do-over. I have watched the convention with hopes you may take Bernie Sanders supporters seriously. You have failed. Why? Hillary has claimed Bernie’s issues as her own. You claim for unity but you told Nina Turner, the former senator from Ohio, she cannot speak; not days, but moments before it was her time to speak on stage. She has done nothing except helped support Obama in his second term to win in her swing state. However, once she speaks out for the Presidential candidate, she seems worthy. She cannot stand proudly with other intelligent black women that have spoken. You have painted us in the media to be violent against our own party. Yet when the truth came out, it was with a written apology. This is not unity. What I wanted from the convention is to get closure for what you have done to the diminish the hopes that I had along with many Americans. I wanted to hear along with Hillary’s promises, was that Bernie taught me, I will no longer support fracking lobbyist’s, wall street interests, and I will no longer allow others to dictate by money the policies that affect millions of Americans. I want to listen and understand the issues people are facing, not to be told her interpretation of what issues people face. I know I deserve that. I know America deserves that. This would be a start to bridging the gap between the voter fraud and rigged systems that you created. It would gain a lot of support for millions who don’t vote based on feeling their voices are not being heard. That would give some justice to what you portrayed Bernie to be. “By Bernie’s movement, I have learned….” But you couldn’t do that, could you?

Many of delegates risked their lives, putting themselves in debt to attend the convention. Not to mention, the more who could not make it due to expenses. This made a huge difference in the "role call vote" in order to fix the situation, but you knew that. I know you may say that you took little steps of reform that won’t start with this election, but years after. What about the justice now? We want a little more appreciation. Not a shout out. It will take years with the risk of people forgetting what is truly important, to make a substantial difference.

But during the convention, you have put people from unfortunate circumstances describe what it would be like if Trump was elected. Every former or current senator preach that we need to stand united in order to defeat Trump. If you wanted to defeat Trump so badly, you should have fired Debbie, Perez and Brazile along with others involved. I mean Tulsi stepped out because she felt she could not be biased. You would have led an investigation behind Hillary once people found out. Throughout the convention, those questions kept popping in my head. My question is “what is your true goal?“ I, along with many others, are catching onto you. When the rest of the world will find that they can no longer be represented by a two-party system, there will be a force too powerful to stop.

Being unified by love is the most powerful thing of all. We are a party who should lead others by example. Bernie started a movement within just moments of his campaign that will be hard to extinguish. He further proved that the one party that is designed to break down barriers and supposed to have compassion for minorities actually force-feed citizens ideas to contradict and polarize one another, which is leading people like us to die. I am one of many who want a fair democracy. Many people, including myself, who are forgotten but need persuasion, are no longer satisfied by your illusion. If you want our vote in November, this is what needs to be addressed, not promises. As shown with the rise in Trump’s campaign, Bernie never had a fair chance in your party. Nothing can persuade us more than collectively coming together for the common good. We are the change. The people who don’t fit into society’s labels and continue to stay above the hypnosis of the media needs your help. Our fear isn’t Donald Trump because we know, or at least I know, that his outright hatred will be the motivation or us to only become stronger.

So please do not patronize or criticize the Bernie or Bust supporters for your failure or triumph, if Hillary or Trump is elected. We also do not want others to take credit for our success. If Hillary becomes more progressive, if she has a successful presidency, we are the ones to thank. We are going to keep fighting no matter who is elected. Because if it is anything like Bernie has been saying, it’s more than Hillary, Trump and Sanders. It’s about the issues.We have that right to vote based on conscience. Disproportionate to what Hillary quoted from the musical Hamilton, this what the "founders" truly intended... Together, even with opposing issues, we can achieve anything.


One of the few who already cracked the system

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