For those of you that are unaware of my current work status, I am currently an Area Coordinator at Cazenovia College. It's a little challenging to explain exactly what I do but, I'll try to give you a quick run-down. I pretty much get to hang out with college students all day. Sounds simple, right? Eh, some days it is, other days I want to curl up in a corner and hide. Responding to campus emergencies requires a sense of calmness that I never thought I would master. Thanks to my coworkers, I have found a whole new sense of self. In less than two weeks, I will be moving to a new state and will be pursuing my masters in Higher Education. I have a lot of humans to thank but they're a few special ones that I want to highlight. I'm not going to name any names, but if you've ever attended Cazenovia College, you'll know exactly who I'm talking about.
To the Cherubs I Supervised:
You all drove me nuts but at least I was never bored. I enjoyed watching you all mature. Those that have graduated/transferred, I am so proud of you. I talk about your successes more often than I probably should. I enjoy stalking your Facebook to see what you've accomplished so far. Some of you even text me updates about your new jobs and it means the world to me. To those that are still here, continue to work hard and be a role model for your students. Please understand that you have all had an impact on my life in some way. I know because of all of you I am going into the right field. You all taught me how to be a better supervisor and put up with my messy apartment. You made me laugh, cry, and even get a little angry. Some days I wanted to throw in the towel and then one of you would do something amazing and I'd be right back in your corner. I'll miss our one on ones and staff meetings. The lesson I will take from all of you is that I can be successful in this career. Thank you.
To the Boss of All Bosses:
You are superwoman. I'm convinced that under your desk somewhere hides a costume with a cape. In times of complete chaos, you have remained level-headed. I don't think I'll ever have a boss like you who really cares about her students and her staff members. You let us be ourselves and laugh at all our crazy jokes. You have turned this office into a comfortable place for myself and my fellow coworkers to come to and vent. Also, you let us paint our walls, which is a big perk. Thank you for hearing my crazy ideas. You let me use my creativity and gave me the confidence to be myself. The lesson I will take with me from you is if no one else is going to do it, do it yourself. Need to knock down a wall? Be the one holding the sledge hammer. Thank you.
To the Pieces at the Front Desk:
Though you came into the mix later on, you fit in perfectly. You have become part of my morning routine and I get jarred if you aren't sitting at the front when I walk in. I've never met someone that loves coffee as much as I do, which makes you pretty awesome. You've been through a lot this year. Thank you for being open with me. You always come back to my office and we share stories about our lives. I will cherish our little talks. I admire your strength and your will to never give up. You are an inspiration for your daughters. You are the 'cool mom.' Don't forget to always live by 'the Google.' The lesson I will take with me from you is to show emotion, even when it seems hard. Also, when all else fails, wine helps. Thank you. Also, PS - thanks for letting me walk your dinosaur of a dog.
To the Disney Fanatic Across the Way:
You and I have a different relationship. I mean, I have your cat. You and I became close during my time as a student at Cazenovia. You're one of the amazing humans that helped me get through college, even when I thought I couldn't. Going down to your office just to talk was one of my favorite pass times. I also got to know your husband because he was my boss. Both of you are so selfless. You give everything to your students and more. You were there for me during one of the most difficult times in my life. You proved to me that love does exist. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to photograph your wedding. It's a day I will never forget. The lesson I will take with me from you is you're never too old for a good Disney movie. "Ohana means family." Thank you.
To the Student Whisperer:
You have a way with words when it comes to dealing with students. They come in all upset and almost always seem to leave smiling, even when they didn't get their way. I enjoy listening to you reason with students. You bring up points that I would never think of. You genuinely care about students well-being and work hard to make sure everyone has a great college experience. You are hilarious. I always end up sitting in your office talking about nonsense and laughing. You seem to always have the best advice. Your selflessness has inspired me to be a better human. The lesson I will take with me from you is to always dance like no one is watching because you sure do know how to get down. Thank you.
To the Rubber Band Shooter:
Since we went to college together and worked on the same staff, I was more than excited to have you join the Student Life Staff. What. Are. You. Doing. Once you found out I had a fear of rubber bands, you just couldn't help yourself. Once you even shot one into my mouth while I was talking to a student. I laughed so hard I almost peed myself. You always seem to keep me on my toes. I'll never forget the time you hid in the corner of my office with a ceramic dragon and scared me so badly that I fell over. You're ridiculous but, you made this office more exciting. You were a horrible influence, yet you showed me that there are good men out there that can be trusted. We bicker like brother and sister. Sometimes our coworkers would even have to yell at us to be nice, but we both knew that was impossible. We tried really hard to be professional, but at the end of the day we'd always end up Facebook messaging each other GIFs. The lesson I will take with me from you is to be a little wild because life is short, and even if you flip your Jeep, there's always a better orange one to buy. Thank you.
To My Mentor:
As I write this, your dog is sitting on my lap. I feel honored that you trust me with the little hamlet. She's a piece of work for sure but I love spoiling her like she is my own. I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you enough for everything you've done for me. When I first started this job, I thought it was temporary. Now here I am going off to grad school for this exact reason. You changed my life. I've become more aware of the world around me. I've educated myself on the issues that matter and how I can be an ally. You pushed me to be a better human and you never gave up on me. You always seem to sweep up my messes, metaphorically and literally. Also, you're a damn good cook. I'll miss shouting your name as I walk into your building to come hang out, and by hang out, I mean watch the Bachelor/Bachelorette and eat whatever food you're making. I know you'll continue to be my mentor and friend throughout my whole life. You're stuck with me...sorry, I'm not sorry. Expect lots of text messages and FaceTime calls. The lesson I will take with me from you are endless. Thank you for all that you have done for me.