Trump Supporters, It's Time To Open Your Eyes
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Trump Supporters, It's Time To Open Your Eyes

When did America even stop being great?

Trump Supporters, It's Time To Open Your Eyes
Headline Politics

I should probably start this letter off by making something very clear: I am not a Republican. I’m also not a Democrat. I’m not liberal or conservative. I do not vote or support a candidate based on their political party label, but instead focus on the candidate and the views they have, and the policies that they what to bring forth. I have supported both Democrats and Republicans in the past, and I cannot definitively say that I lean on one side of the spectrum more than the other. I am Switzerland and proud to be.

While I have stated that I have not picked a side, I have decided that instead of favoring one candidate, I strongly oppose one candidate.

Donald John Trump.

I do not know what turns me off more, his incredibly racist views, his misogynistic attitude or his total lack of knowledge of national and global problems.

Maybe it’s because I’m a minority or a woman or just a regular human being with feelings and a sound mind, but I am asking the Trump supporters why they would ever considered voting for such a person.

He has no political background. He has proven again and again that he lacks the knowledge of national and global problems and policies. He makes every interview and debate seem like a joke. His social media accounts seem to be run by that annoying frat boy that sits next to you in your Econ lecture who carries around a gallon of water like it’s a simple Camelback.

In the beginning, last summer, I could see your views on “supporting” Trump. It seemed like a joke, a funny thing to declare and say that you “support Trump.” The “Make America Great Again” hats and shirts that seemed iconic at first slowly started to become ironic instead. Did Trump get the Republican nomination because all of his supporters still think that his running for President is a joke?

But now, it’s no longer a joke. It’s not funny; people aren’t laughing at his racist, misogynistic views anymore.

So I’ll ask again, why are you voting for Trump? What inspired you to believe that this man should be the leader of one of the world’s major super power?

Building a wall is not going to solve the problems of drugs or jobs. No person (especially a man) should be able to take the right to an abortion away from women. There are many reasons, both financial and medical, why some women cannot go through a pregnancy. No one wants to take away your guns; people just want to regulate them and make sure that the people who are mentally stable are receiving guns so that fewer of your friends, family members and random people you will never get to meet but only see their obituary photo, die. Blaming all Muslim Americans for terrorist acts is like blaming all white males for the rapes in the United States. Ridiculous, right?

I’m asking Trump supporters to consider some of these points before casting your ballot. Four years is a long time to follow a man who didn’t know that Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican holiday.

We should be learning from our British friends and not scoff at the idea that what is going on with our government is a joke, and decide on a whim that it seems “cool” to vote for something.

To all the Trump supporters out there, you have no reasoning or logic behind your decision to follow Trump. You are following Trump because it seems like the “fun and cool” new trend that goes right up along there with ‘Murica. You are narrow minded, and you are blindly following a leader because you don’t have the brains or the guts to realize that you, not some third party, cause the problems in your life.

For those Trump supports that never went to a middle school or high school history class, I want you to know that Hitler rose to power because people were scared, and Hitler gave them a group of people to blame for their misgivings. Hitler was nothing more than a good public speaker with messed up views on human existence. It was the blind leading the blind.

So think about why you are following Trump, and open your eyes because you might trip over your own egotistic views.

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