An Open Letter To My Younger Self | The Odyssey Online
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An Open Letter To My Younger Self

Long story short, you're gonna be a mess, and that's okay.

An Open Letter To My Younger Self
Courtney Malland

To My Younger Self,

Just so you're aware, I'm not gonna sugar coat anything. Whatever I tell you, is going to be straightforward, so either buck up or go home. So, let's start. You just turned 14, so you think you're hot shit since you're a teenager (spoiler alert: you're not). You also just graduated from 8th grade, and you're about to start high school. You know it's going to be tough, but you don't even know the half of it. Within this letter, I will tell you exactly what I wish I would've heard at your age.

You're going to go through one of the hardest losses of your life.

You may not realize it now, but you're going to lose one of the most important people to you in your upcoming years. All I can say is do not waste one minute with them. Make every moment count, because you don't know when that time will come.

You're going to get rejected...a lot.

By this, I don't mean by guys. You'll try to do everything right, and you'll think you were perfect, but don't worry, these are lessons, not losses. Just work a little harder, perfect your craft, and you'll feel better.

You're going to meet people who will help you discover yourself.

I'm going to spoil something for you. Freshman year, you'll meet a girl. At first, you'll think she's the best friend that you'll ever have. She's a little troubles, but hey, everyone is. She's going to be the person who helps you figure out who your real friends are. Never forget her, and never forget to thank her everyday for what she has done for you.

You're going to make lifelong friends.

Or, at least you hope so. You won't meet them for a year or two, and you won't realize that they will have this impact on you until you're at least 16 or 17. Never lose contact with them, and just like the girl from freshman year, never forget to thank them for everything they have done for you.

You're going to receive so many opportunities.

Not specifically jobs, but definitely the most rewarding opportunities. You'll work long hours without pay, but it will all be worth it. Remember these chances, because they are what teach you the value of hard work and instill in you the trait of never saying "no" for a friend.

You'll realize what your true passion is.

At this point, you still want to be a nurse, or a Broadway star, or a teacher, or all three at the same time. You'd never believe that you'll discover what you want to study in college during your freshman year of high school. You'll find the activities that will shape you into the person you are today. You're going to want to thank every person who brought you to that point, but in reality, you are the person who brought you to this realization.

You'll discover your self-worth.

You may think that having a boyfriend in high school is completely necessary, but to be honest, you'll thank yourself for not having one. It's because of not having one that you realize your own self worth. True, you'll develop high standards, but it's because you won't settle for anything less than what you deserve.It's also in this time that you realize your true beauty, and start to become comfortable in your body. This confidence will take you so far in life.

You'll find your strength.

This is rooted from your hardest loss. You will understand what true strength is, just by how you carry yourself everyday. People will come up to you and say, “Oh my god, you’re so strong! How do you do it?”. And your answer will always be, “I don’t know.” You’ll have your vulnerable moments, and you may think that that’s your weakest point, but in reality, those are your strongest. Learn to take those in stride.

You'll understand why all of this happened.

Right now, you don't realize that all of this is going to happen to you, but don't fret, you'll be fine. You'll also learn to love roller coasters, which makes sense, because these 4 years are going to be one hell of a roller coaster. Take every moment in, because you're only going to get so many. Love each of them, because without them, I wouldn't be the person I am today. So, thank you for these past 4 years, and don't worry, you're still a mess, but you're a happier mess.



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