One Last Sunset | The Odyssey Online
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One Last Sunset

A short story of a couple during World War II.

One Last Sunset

It had been a perfect day at Coney Island. Stan and Penny had ridden the Ferris wheel several times, stuffed their faces with hot dogs, and even rode the rollercoaster! The day was coming to an end and as the sun began to set the two strolled across the beach. Their feet sinking into the damp sand with each step. With their hands intertwined they watched the sun slowly drop towards the horizon. Penny looked over at Stan who seemed to be lost in thought yet again.


"Yes, Penny?" He did not take his eyes off of the slowly setting sun.

"Your mind has been somewhere else all day my dear. Please tell me what's troubling you." Stan did not answer immediately, so they stood silently as they looked out across the ocean.

"The sea is quite beautiful, isn't it? It's so big and open… it makes you feel like we are the only people on earth."

"Stan, what are you talking about?" He looked over at his lover, his brown eyes met her blue, and just like that the smile that was on his face a moment ago suddenly vanished.

"I received a letter today," he looked down at his feet that were steadily sinking into the sand with each wave that splashed over them.

"You receive letters every day. What could be so different about this one?" Penny squeezed the brunette's hand.

"I've received my draft notice." Stan watched the smile disappear from her face. "But don't you worry! The Germans don't stand a chance against us!" He tried to convince her as well as himself that somehow, someway, he would be okay.

"Stan please tell me you're lying! You can't be leaving!" Tears welled in her eyes and spilled onto her cheeks.

"I wish I was, Doll. Now listen here," he tucked a lock of her golden hair behind her ear. "I'll be just fine. Don't worry a hair on your pretty little head because I will do whatever it takes to come home to you. You have to be strong while I'm gone. Can you promise me that?"

"Yes, Stan, I can." Penny nodded her head. "When do you leave?" She wiped her tears on the sleeve of her dress.

"First thing in the morning." He turned his head back to the sea. "I'm happy I get to watch one more sunset with you."

"Stan," Penny brought his gaze back to her face. "Wherever you go whether it be Germany, France, or God knows where; know that I will be with you. Just watch the sunset and know that I'll be doing the same." Stan nodded his head before reaching into his pocket.

"I got something for you," he pulled out a gold locket in the shape of a heart.

"Oh dear, it's beautiful!" Penny's smile was so bright, at that moment it rivaled the sun.

"Not as beautiful as you." He opened the locket and showed her its contents. Inside was a photograph of the two of them with their arms wrapped around each other's shoulders. "It's us at the Fourth of July picnic. The one where-"

"Charlie ate the entire Watermelon!" The two laughed at the memory of the golden retriever devouring the large piece of fruit.

"Just look how happy we were. I want you to remember that happiness while I'm gone." He stepped behind the blonde and placed the locket around her neck. "Know that wherever I go, I will always be with you." Stan looked down at his one and only true love.

"I won't take it off until you come back home." Penny held the locket close to her heart.

"So you'll wait for me?" Stan asked.

"Of course I will! I love you, Stan! No war could change the way I feel about you!" she exclaimed.

"I love you too Penny." He bent down and brought their lips together. They stayed that way until the sun had sunk completely below the horizon. They left the beach hand in hand, unaware that they would never see each other again.

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