Nine Misconceptions Only People From Oklahoma Understand | The Odyssey Online
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Nine Misconceptions Only People From Oklahoma Understand

I'm proud to be an Okie y'all!

Nine Misconceptions Only People From Oklahoma Understand

Oklahoma has been my home for almost 20 years and it has taken pretty the entire time I have lived here to appreciate the great state of Oklahoma. Sure, we don't have white sand beaches, or 14,000 foot mountains, or lakes so clear you can see the bottom, but we do have state pride and that is enough for me.

So let's get a few things straight about my great state. Here are 9 misconceptions about Oklahoma that we Oklahomans are tired of hearing!

1. We are not all cowboys.

Oklahoma may have been founded by cowboys, but that doesn't mean we are all still cowpeople. Oklahoma, like the rest of America, is a melting pot of people. We are cowboys, hipsters, environmentalists, artists, musicians, athletes, businessmen, researchers, farmers, writers and so much more

2. We do not all own horses.

No, I do not ride my horse everywhere I go. I don't even own a horse. People do own horses, but they typically live outside of the city and they ride their horses on their own property. I did see someone riding a horse in front of Target once, but she was the exception.

3. We do not live in teepees.

Yes, Oklahoma was once Indian territory and Native American culture is still thriving in parts of Oklahoma, most of us live in houses or apartments. Someone actually asked me if I lived in a teepee once and the memory still haunts me today.

4. Our region is a mystery even to us.

Some say we are a Southern state. Some say we are a Midwestern state. It just depends on who you talk to, but we do know we are above Texas, a Southern state, and below Kansas, a Midwestern state. I was in California a few years back and someone asked me if I had jet lag from the flight because she thought Oklahoma was on the East Coast.

5. We are not crazy, we are just amateur meteorologists.

Oklahoma is lucky enough to be a part of "Tornado Alley." During the April and May, we are used to dark skies and gusts of wind, but we know something severe is stirring when the sky turns green and the air becomes calm. Many Oklahomans like to stand on their front porches and watch the storms, but they know when the sirens start sounding it is time to take cover inside.

6. We do know proper English.

I promise you, we know English. It just might be hiding behind our Southern drawls. Sometimes we choose to forgo our English and speak Oklahoman. The word "y'all" may occasionally find itself in one of our sentences, but "y'all" is much easier to say than "you all."

7. Oklahoma HAS natural beauty.

Just about every evening, we get to see a water color painted sky more commonly known as a sunset. I'm not really sure what it is about Oklahoma, but we have some of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen. In southwest Oklahoma, we have the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Reserve where hundreds of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish live in the beautiful 59,000 acre reserve. Those are just two of many natural beauties found in Oklahoma

8. We don't all live on farms.

I do have some friends who live on ranches or farms (yes, there is a difference), but most of the people I know live in a city or suburb. No, Tulsa and Oklahoma City are nothing like L.A. or N.Y.C., but they have their own urban atmosphere. Tulsa has all the amenities of a big city without all the traffic. Oklahoma City has professional sports and a small town feel. Both cities have pretty booming downtowns especially on weekend nights.

9. We are proud to be Okies.

For some reason, people pity Oklahomans and I don't know why. We are down-to-earth people who know how to have fun, even when everything closes by 11 p.m. The term "Okie" used to be an disparaging name to call someone, but now it is a title we wear proudly.
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