Obama’s Message To Class Of 2020: Be The Change & Vote
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Obama’s Message To Class Of 2020: Be The Change & Vote

His speech reflected the core of his presidency -- that the people have power and should be trusted to make change in government.

Obama’s Message To Class Of 2020: Be The Change & Vote

On May 16th, 2020 former president Obama aired a virtual commencement speech for the graduates of the class of 2020. My mother called me downstairs to watch even though I'm neither a high school nor a college grad, but still attending university. Seeing the man who led and shaped my home country throughout my upbringing, who took us out of the Great Recession, a man who speaks with such eloquence, brought down all of my barriers. It was as though this father figure was comforting me for the years I've dealt with the madness that has become our reality. After the speech ended and later that night my mother said something I will never forget, "In times like these, we are all still turning to Obama for guidance".

Seeing and hearing President Obama talking directly to my age group made me realize I haven't felt at home since Trump took office. The constant uncertainty, hostility, and threats to almost every minority group have made me feel like home was no longer home. It wasn't until that moment that I realized I had been subconsciously and metaphorically holding my breath these past three years. Obama made me feel understood. After all, he must be far more disappointed seeing the nation he put eight years of his life into be taken apart by a selfish, incompetent leader.

The speech had one particular message: the youth has the power to make change and it begins with voting. Get involved in politics -- this was emphasized as the root of our power. Obama called himself one of the 'older' folks and called out all of the older generations making a mess of things in the White House. Time and time again, college students and high school grads are at the forefront for change in American history. It was the case during the Civil Rights Movement, protests against the Vietnam war, the Second Wave Feminist movement. All of these movements achieved great things, which goes to show that we can make a change during this pandemic. We can vote. Like Obama once said, "Yes we can". His speech reflected the core of his presidency -- that the people have power and should be trusted to make change in government. And that the government should do its absolute best to earn the trust of the people.

The year 2020 has not had one good month yet, with continuous upheaval in society, but we forget it is also the year of monumental change and opportunity. Elections are coming up and it is the chance to elect better representatives, to elect a new president in November, made possible by vote by mail. It's not about loving a representative and placing your vote as a luxury -- for only when you truly like a candidate. Voting is about securing a future -- where you vote against what you do not want. This country was founded off a war so that the public would have a say in politics, and the right to vote was a turning point in world history. It is not only our right, but our civic duty. Register, vote, and make a change. Thank you President Obama, for reminding me that I can do my part to turn this all around.

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