Not Your Typical Millennial
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Not Your Typical Millennial

So Don't Label Me As Such

Not Your Typical Millennial

Let me clarify: I am, indeed, a millennial. Those that were born between the years of 1980-2000 are all millennials. However, I am not society's stereotypical millennial. I'm a non-Millennial Millennial.

The funny thing is that I don't necessarily disagree with the overall depiction of my generation. I've met a lot of people that fit the description, but I've also met a lot of people who were not molded the same way. It, as most things, is relevant.

The other day I was watching an episode of Survivor: Millennials Vs. Gen-X. I find myself cringing while listening to the Millennial interviews, and my heart nearly stopping during each close competition. Why? I thought it was because I resented the way my generation was being depicted.


In fact, many of the Millennial tribe members remind me of Millennials that I've met throughout my life. It's generally pretty spot on.

The reason I scream for the "old people" (as the Millennials would say) to win each competition is because I can much more relate to them over the young tribe.

I am not your typical Millennial.

Here are some reasons why...

"Millennials are lazy and useless."

You're lying to yourself if you don't think you have "lazy days" or lazy moments. We all do. I've met lazy individuals of all ages, and yes, many times millennials.

But do not tell me that I contribute to the laziest generation there is. From the moment I wake up to the moment I fall into a deep slumber, I do what I need to. I go to work. I go to school. I continue school at home. It's a lot, but I'm not here to complain. I'm here to say that I work my tail off to be the best I can be, fight through the anxiety and stress and pressure like a big girl (as I should), and continue at it everyday of the week. When I take a moment to do anything remotely recreational, my mind (in the front or far back) tells me I'm guilty. It tells me that I better get back to work.

It's healthy to take a moment to enjoy life, to live, but it's also important to keep on moving so that you can get by. I do both. I can be lazy, but I'm not useless.

"Millennials are completely consumed by technology."

Okay, okay. My generation (especially the younger end) grew up side-by-side with technology. I remember the first time I saw and listened to the wonderful world of the internet in action. You know, all of those crackly, bizarre noises? I was five years old. My family has always had a home computer monitor since then. I got my first AIM screen name in the fourth grade. I got my first (used, hand-me-down cell phone) in the fifth grade so that I could call my parents in the case of an emergency. I got my first legitimate flip phone in the sixth grade. I got my first sliding qwerty keyboard phone in the eighth grade. I got my first (year behind) Iphone my senior year of high school.

Although it seems that I was ahead to other generations (and even the older end of Millennials), I was way behind everyone else my age. My friends had Iphones and Myspace's in middle school. I finally convinced my mother to allow me to get a Facebook in high school, and later found out she got one, too, so she could spy on me.

I have to admit, for a while, I was beginning to feel myself become consumed by technology during the beginning years of college. However, I'm proud to say that I'm not. I use technology for school work, communication, and entertainment. At school, my phone stays packed away. At work, my phone stays packed away. At home, I pull out my tablet or my laptop to complete school work. But I do allow myself time each day to connect to people, read about interesting topics, stare at beautifully crafted Instagram accounts, and post photos and videos of my favorite things (which I like to do artfully) .

Many Millennials are consumed by technology. Many other generations are consumed by technology too. I do not identify this way. I nearly did at one point in time, but it is not who I am.

"Millennials are the biggest contributors to the 'hookup culture'."

You know what, part of this just has to do with the fact that the world is changing. People are less traditional. People are developing their own ways instead of adopting those of the generations before them. I'm a college student. I'm aware that my generation generally likes to hook-up with people they barely know. Many are looking for less substance, less commitment, and more instant gratification.

I am progressive in a lot of ways (it is one of my only typical Millennial qualities), but I do tend to be traditional when it comes to dating and relationships. Hookups don't make sense to me. Finding a life-partner does. To each is their own, but I am not a contributor to this culture.

"Millennials are entitled narcissists."

Unfortunately, I have met many millennials who act entitled. Too many times, I've met kids my age who get stuff handed to them (Hell, I've been fortunate enough to have been given things! And remember, it's all relevant). More often than not, though, those who are, in other words, "spoiled" tend to grow accustomed to hand-outs and never fully develop independence.

I am not entitled to squat. You're not entitled to squat. Let me rephrase. You and I are not entitled to anything aside from our own minds and bodies. Aside from that, you and I have to work for what we want. Plain and simple. The world will never stop spinning for us. Although it's important to be a little selfish (since the only person we're stuck with for our entire lives is ourselves), it's equally important for everyone else to be a little selfish. Therefore, you worry about you and they'll worry about themselves. But make sure while you're worrying about yourself, you're worrying about your work ethic because the world is not made of hand-outs.

Here's some more food for thought...

Although, as I've said, I do not fully disagree with the popular depictions of millennials, I do have to wonder: Do those that knock millennials also knock the generations that raised them? We're talking culture, people. It changes. Constantly. Progressively. The culture that shaped Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers indirectly shaped Millennials, too, through parenting.

Part of the reason why I'm such a non-Millennial Millennial is because of my parents. They taught me to work hard for what I want, called me out for being lazy enough times that it bothers me to have my own rain days, and modeled a loving partnership from the moment I was brought into the world.

So up next at bat: Millennials. As parents. All of the wonderful things that I discussed above will influence the children of Millennials. I'm an early childhood educator... I've seen it begin.


I do want to add that I do, underneath it all, possess a couple Millennial qualities. Some of which are:

Millennials are tolerant and accepting. Differences do not scare. In fact, they are embraced.

Millennials are BIG dreamers. Whether you believe it or not, having larger-than-life ambitions is beautiful. Bucking up the courage to fight for them is another story.

Millennials are creative thinkers. We were raised around technology, puzzles, and brain games. As a student teacher, I am learning about how to further reform education to essentially change society. To encourage critical thinkers and innovators.

And last but certainly not least:

Millennials are revolutionary. Because Millennials dream big and think bigger, they want to change society, even more so than they already are. Especially when it comes to progression/acceptance which I believe is wonderful.

I'm not proud to be labeled as a standard Millennial.

But I am proud to possess these qualities.

I'm proud to be a non-Millennial Millennial



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