There are some things in life that are honestly just confusing, difficult, and even heartbreaking to some extent. Comfort can be found in familiarity, but that doesn't mean that it is healthy.
This idea can be applied to people, places, or just about anything. Workplaces, friendships, romantic relationships, and family relations can all get unhealthy. As someone who cherishes relationships with others, walking away from a toxic situation or person has always been difficult. It is okay that it's challenging because that says that this person or event has a lot invested from you and it means a lot. However, sometimes it is necessary to pull the plug and allow God to remove you from the circumstance, even if it is difficult.
Your person is too precious and valuable to waste it on someone or something that doesn't appreciate it. A lot of time the signs are subtle and easily missed, which can be even more dangerous. Here are a few of ones that I believe should be considered as red flags without question.
1. The person stresses you out more than what is normal.
Relationships are going to be stressful to a degree, especially if you want to do things right. However, there's a fine line between healthy and unhealthy stress.
2. You're not being yourself.
You shouldn't have to perform for anyone. The real you is going to come through eventually. You might as well be honest from the beginning.
3. You're not happy.
Nothing in this life is guaranteed. What is the point of spending endless amounts of time in a situation that you find to be so mundane when God could have another door for you to open that is so much more fulfilling? The catch is though, a lot of times the new door won't open until you have the courage to close the current one.
4. Petty problems and arguments are becoming more and more common.
Don't waste your breath trying to argue over something stupid that could easily be solved with a compromise. Deal with an adult, not a child.
5. They don't care about your feelings, even if they say they do.
Actions speak a lot louder than words. Period.
6. You feel guilty about the way you feel.
Never let someone tell you that you are wrong for feeling a certain way. Especially if they are to blame. I know that overreacting is a real thing, but it should never be automatically assumed that you are overreacting.
7. They say they don't want to talk about feelings.
A relationship is built between two sinners who are going to wrong each other constantly. Therefore, if a person truly cares about you and their relationship with you, they will care about how you feel about what they have said or done to you.
8. They aren't willing to talk about disagreements and let them build up.
This is similar to a couple previous points, but I believe it should definitely be clearly mentioned. Letting arguments build up without resolution is childish and leads to bitterness. Bitterness will then lead to another slew of problems.
9. You don't feel encouraged.
It is important to be around people that encourage you to pursue your goals and your walk with Christ. The world is discouraging enough as is.
10. The person keeps comes with more excuses for problems rather than solutions.
This kind of goes back to ignoring disagreements. You should want to work through problems to prevent them, rather than let them "blow over" due to some kind of "circumstantial stressor."
11. The person continues to do and say things that hurt you.
This just leads to all kinds of future problems that can easily be avoided by walking away.
12. You find yourself questioning their faithfulness.
You shouldn't have to even question this. Save yourself heartbreak.
13. You find yourself looking over and making justifications for red flags.
Don't ignore the red flags.
14. Your friends don't understand the relationship.
In terms of love, it can be blinding. Trust those around you that care about you. They aren't wearing rose-colored glasses and can see a lot more than you do.
15. You find yourself sacrificing your personal standards and convictions.
Never lower your standards for anyone. They're not worth it and your convictions aren't for sale.
16. The person makes you feel like you have to stay with them.
You owe them nothing.
17. The person gets into a lot of conflict with others.
Take note of how they treat others. It might end up being how you get treated one day.
18. The person compares you to other guys/girls.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14) Surround yourself with people who realize that.
19. The person isn't encouraging you in your walk with the Lord.
Jesus is the only one who truly satisfies. Another person can't. Are you willing to count the cost of following Christ?
20. The person's life foreshadows a lot of practical problems in the future.
Don't set yourself up to a life of regret. It's not worth it.
And if you feel like your shoulders are so much lighter, smiling is so much easier, and you have so much more energy, then walking away was the right choice.