Nostalgic Songs 2000s: 100 Tracks From Your Childhood
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Nostalgic 2000s Songs: 100 Throwback Hits That'll Transport You To Childhood

Here's to never growing up.

Justin Timberlake sings a nostalgic song from the 2000s

If you were anything like me, you came home from school, plopped on the couch and jammed to Radio Disney. You've heard these songs at school dances, parties and on the radio, and you probably still know all the words. Despite most of your favorite childhood artists pursuing different careers (or different styles of music), these throwback hits will always be there to comfort you!

1. "SexyBack" - Justin Timberlake

2. "Oops!... I Did It Again" - Britney Spears

3. "Party in the USA" - Miley Cyrus

4. "Replay" - Iyaz

5. "Dynamite" - Taio Cruz

6. "Girlfriend" - Avril Lavigne

7. "Beautiful Girls" - Sean Kingston

8. "Party Rock Anthem" - LMFAO

9. "Stereo Hearts" - Gym Class Heros ft. Adam Levine

10. "Titanium" - David Guetta ft. Sia

11. "Classic" - MKTO

12. "Call Me Maybe" - Carly Rae Jepsen

13. "California Gurls" - Katy Perry ft. Snoop Dogg

14. "Down" - Jay Sean ft. Lil Wayne

15. "Teenage Dream" - Katy Perry

16. "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" - Beyonce

17. "I Gotta Feeling" - Black Eyed Peas

18. "Umbrella" - Rihanna ft. Jay Z

19. "Fergalicious" - Fergie

20. "Moves Like Jagger" - Maroon 5

21. "Drive By" - Train

22. "Hoedown Throwdown" - Miley Cyrus

23. "Want U Back" - Cher Lloyd

24. "Love You Like A Love Song" - Selena Gomez & The Scene

25. "Bad Romance" - Lady Gaga

26. "TTYLXOX" - Bella Thorne

27. "Firework" - Katy Perry

28. "Low" - Flo Rida ft. T-Pain

29. "Halo" - Beyonce

30. "Tik Tok" - Ke$ha

31. "Animal" - Neon Trees

32. "Mr. Brightside" - The Killers

33. "We Are Young" - fun. ft. Janelle Monáe

34. "Airplanes" - B.o.B ft. Hayley Williams

35. "Hollaback Girl" - Gwen Stefani

36. "Payphone" - Maroon 5 ft. Ludacris

37. "Pumped Up Kicks" - Foster the People

38. "Hey, Soul Sister" - Train

39. "Ain't it Fun" - Paramore

40. "DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love" - Usher ft. Pitbull

41. "Boyfriend" - Justin Bieber

42. "We R Who We R" - Ke$ha

43. "Forget You" - CeeLo Green

44. "Starships" - Nicki Minaj

45. "Say My Name" - Destiny's Child

46. "Baby One More Time" - Britney Spears

47. "Hips Don't Lie" - Shakira ft. Wyclef Jean

48. "Hey Ya!" - Outkast

49. "Bye Bye Bye" - *NSYNC

50. "Poker Face" - Lady Gaga

51. "Last Friday Night (TGIF)" - Katy Perry

52. "Bring Me To Life" - Evanescence

53. "Teenage Dirtbag" - Wheatus

54. "You Belong With Me" - Taylor Swift

55. "Seven Nation Army" - The White Stripes

56. "Thnks fr th Mmrs" - Fall Out Boy

57. "Empire State of Mind" - Jay Z ft. Alicia Keys

58. "Crazy in Love" - Beyonce & Jay Z

59. "Mine" - Taylor Swift

60. "Toxic" - Britney Spears

61. "Since U Been Gone" - Kelly Clarkson

62. "Milkshake" - Kelis

63. "Part of Me" - Katy Perry

64. "Yeah!" - Usher, Lil Jon and Ludacris

65. "Wannabe" - Spice Girls

66. "Don't Stop Believin'" - Journey

67. "Stayin' Alive" - Bees Gees

68. "Survivor" - Destiny's Child

69. "Beautiful Soul" - Jesse McCartney

70. "Moves Like Jagger" - Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera

71. "Just Dance" - Lady Gaga ft. Colby O'Donis

72. "Break Your Heart" - Taio Cruz ft. Ludacris

73. "Just The Way You Are" - Bruno Mars

74. "The Climb" - Miley Cyrus

75. "Price Tag" - Jessie J ft. B.o.B

76. "You Make Me Feel..." - Cobra Starship ft. Sabi

77. "Don't Stop the Music" - Rihanna

78. "Paper Planes" - M.I.A

79. "In Da Club" - 50 Cent

80. "Get the Party Started" - P!nk

81. "That's Not My Name" - The Ting Tings

82. "Hot N Cold" - Katy Perry

83. "Umbrella" - Rihanna ft. Jay Z

84. "Crank That (Soulja Boy)" - Soulja Boy

85. "So What" - P!nk

86. "Hit 'Em Up Style" - Blu Cantrell ft. Foxy Brown

87. "Bootylicious" - Destiny's Child

88. "Baby" - Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris

89. "On The Floor" - Jennifer Lopez ft. Pitbull

90. "The One That Got Away" - Katy Perry

91. "All Star" - Smash Mouth

92. "Jenny from the Block" - Jennifer Lopez

93. "Superbass" - Nicki Minaj

94. "Tonight Tonight" - Hot Chelle Rae

95. "Only Girl (In The World)" - Rihanna

96. "Like a G6" - Far East Movement ft. The Cataracs & DEV

97. "What Makes You Beautiful" - One Direction

98. "We Found Love" - Rihanna

99. "Mr. Saxobeat" - Alexandra Stan

100. "Here's To Never Growing Up" - Avril Lavigne

Did I miss any of your favorites? Comment below!

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