Northampton High School From The Eyes Of An Artsy Kid
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Northampton High School From The Eyes Of An Artsy Kid

High school plays out differently when you're apart of the creative crowd.

Northampton High School From The Eyes Of An Artsy Kid
Christine Zopf

Going to a high school with 2,000 kids pretty much ensured that you'd find people who are interested in the same things you are. Sure Northampton had the jockey kids, the ones who played football and strutted through the halls like they owned the place. But there were also the artsy kids, the ones who could paint murals, sing like choirs of angels, and make a story come to life. Kids who loved literature, and poetry, who wrote in their free time. It was with these kids, the artsy kids, that I found my niche, and to this day, that has not changed. Here are some ways that being an artsy kid shaped my high school experience.

You hung out in the band hallway, even if you weren't in band.

The band hallway was home to the practice rooms for band and orchestra, choir rooms, and the theater. Chances are if you were an artsy kid you were involved in at least one of these groups, or your friends were. Sitting in front of the lockers, hanging out with friends and chatting about how nervous you were for an upcoming audition was the norm.

Pep Rallies made you irrationally angry.

It's cool to have school spirit and stuff, but when an entire group of people are excluded from the festivities, it grinds your gears. There was so much talent in Northampton High School, talent that took place off the field. Sadly, chances are if you were solely and artsy kid, you were never recognized in the school's pep rallies because football. Instead, you sat in the crowd watching people have pie eating contests and silently wishing you could have just gone home instead.

You belonged to a million different clubs.

Drama club, creative writing club, library club, reading challenge, scholastic scrimmage, national honor society, yearbook club, you name it. Without having sports to eat up all your time, you most likely dove into a million other activities, and held leadership positions in at least three of them. You loved being involved, and were passionate about your clubs. Getting to hang out with your friends a couple times a week outside of the classroom was just an added bonus.

Senior basketball and volleyball tournament left you with two options.

Either you stayed home and hung out with your other friends who don't really enjoy playing sports, or you got all of your closest friends together and made a team. You tried to prove to the school that you weren't just artistic or creative, but usually lost within the first few rounds of the tournament.

You went to open studio night at least once.

Even if you weren't artsy in the usual sense, that is able to draw, paint, etc., you most likely had a friend who was super into art and super talented. You tagged along and tried to create the image on your mind on the paper in front of you. If you aren't good at art, it is likely you failed, while your friend created yet another masterpiece.

Science and math were rough.

I will never forget how much I struggled through physics as long as I live. I was absolutely terrible at it. Put me in an English class or a history class and I can blow you away. Put me in physics and I will sob into my test, obscuring my incorrect answers with my tears. Science classes weren't as bad for me, although I did spend the majority of my senior year passing a fictional character chat back and forth with the girl who sat next to me.

You knew all of three other people going to college majoring in something LA

I understand why people major in STEM, but I also understand that we need people who major in history, music, English, journalism. Within my graduating class, I only knew a handful of people who were going on to pursue a degree in the humanities or social sciences. The majority of them were people who graced the stage, would likely write a best seller, or were simply just creative. The worst part about being a member of the minority was that both classmates and teachers often asked you what you intended to do with your degree.

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