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'Yoga'nna Wanna Try These Nighttime Yoga Poses

Wind down and make your summer mornings a little easier with these nighttime yoga poses!

woman doing yoga in front of sunset

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Whether your day consisted of a nine to five or a carefree day on the beach, these nighttime yoga poses that you can do in your PJs from the comfort of your own bed will help you wind down for a peaceful night's sleep!

1. Seated Forward Fold


If you were feeling a little intimidated, fear not. While this pose is listed as "intermediate," you don't necessarily need to push yourself too hard on this one at first! You might not even be close to your toes, and that's perfectly OK! After all, yoga is a practice!

Start sitting in a comfortable seated position on your bed and give yourself a little bit of space to be able to stretch out. This pose will help to elongate your spine and hamstrings and really stretch your body out. Hold this for about 30-45 seconds or until your hips begin to feel uncomfortable and return to your center.

2. Bridge


Lay back and place your feet flat on your bed with your feet parallel and facing forwards. Push your glutes and thighs up towards the ceiling and press your interlaced hands back into the bed. Depending on your mattress this might take a few trial runs, but the benefits from this pose are amazing! It helps calm the mind to reduce anxiety and can even help to improve digestion. Hold this pose for about a minute and then return to your back with your feet out straight.

3. Knee-to-Chest


Take your knees and bring them right up to your chest and hug them tight to your body with your arms. Now I want you to roll around aimlessly. Yes, take your time. Enjoy this. It's so relaxing to just stretch out your back and relax with this pose. Hold it for as long as your little heart desires!

4. Upward Facing Dog


Roll yourself over gently like a little croissant so you're on your stomach. The upward facing dog is a fairly well-known yoga pose that helps to lengthen your stomach and hip flexors. The stronger you hold this pose, the more relaxation will come after you relax. Try holding this position for 45 seconds or so and then push yourself up to sit back on you knees in a relaxed position.

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5. Child's Pose


Let the relaxation begin, y'all. Throw yourself face first into your bed and put your arms wherever they feel comfortable; this could be out in front of you, down by your side, folded under your forehead it don't matter go wild!! Just do whatever feels right for you! And here are some variations people swear by. Honestly, I don't even time child's pose- I just relax and calm my thoughts.

6. Corpse


Roll over once more, and literally just lay on your back with your body completely relaxed. Tear your mind away from it's thoughts and focus on your breathing. Take this time to just relax and forget about your day to day worries. Sweet dreams!

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