10. Because I just don't want to | The Odyssey Online
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I'm Never Going To Get Married, Here's Why

"You're 21, when I was your age I had been married and already had my first kid" Well good for you, Sharon.

I'm Never Going To Get Married, Here's Why
Bill Tussey

In This Article:

"Oh honey, you will make a man so happy one day!" Wait! Rewind, back up and slow it down. What makes you think I "want to make a man happy" and second off who says I need to make a man happy one day. Why can I not spend the rest of my life taking care of myself and making sure I am happy. Since when does a man automatically need to accompany a woman! Why is this the social norm? I, for one, am NEVER getting married and here is why.

1. Momma raised an independent women

First things first. My mom raised a strong independent woman who doesn't need a man. So it is insulting to even suggest that I need a man to make me happy, or to complete my life. I can do everything I want on my own, and if I do not know how to do something then my momma taught me to find out how.

2. I can take care of myself

If there is anything I have learned over the past couple of years, it is how to take care of myself. How to soothe myself in times of distress. I have learned to cook, clean, go grocery shopping, I can cut grass, and I know how to check my oil and fluid levels in my car. I don't need a man to help me in my life. I can do everything on my own, unless of course, I need my mom.

3. I just don't want one

I am happy right now how I am. Without a boyfriend, a significant other, children etc...I am happy and content with my Cat, my school work and my shows. Why do people want to assume I need a man when I really don't. Honestly, no woman needs a man!

4. Men are so needy

Men are needy. Plain and simple. They want attention, they want you to cook for them, they want you to dress up for them, put make-up on. They are so exhausting and I would rather do what makes me happy then shave my legs every day because god forbid a man feels a bit of hair on my legs. They are just so much work.

5. I don't need to tell anyone what I am doing

The only people on this planet I need to answer to are my boss, my mom, myself, and the IRS. Under no circumstances what so ever, will I ever ask a man if I can order a mixed drink, or if I can go out with my friends, or if I can switch the television channel. I don't do that while living at home and I sure won't do that once I own my own home.

6. They want children

So listen, I know kids are adorable and smell beautiful and have this pristine baby skin but, just no. I have four younger sisters, all of which I have cooked for, done homework with, given baths too, and helped take care of since I was in 5th grade. And on top of that, I am an Education Major. So my whole life will be children. I Don't want them. I don't want them in my home. I don't want to wipe any noses, or tie any more shoes, that's why I am a Secondary Education Major. Don't judge me for not wanting children and I won't judge you for your uncontrollable screaming kids. Especially when I was able to teach my four younger sisters to behave. So no, it's not the lack of knowing how to be a mother, it is simply just not wanting to have them.

7. I'm tired of taking care of people

My father was a very sick man and I spent a lot of time helping him and my sisters, and my mom, and being the good studious daughter. I do not want to take care of any more people. I want to enjoy my life and take care of myself. And part of a vow is "In sickness and in health" and I don't want to break that vow, so therefore I refuse to make one.

8. I'll have to be polite to the in-laws

I am a very blunt person. If I don't like you, you will know it. If I think what you are saying is pure crap, I will call you out on it. Unfortunately, when you marry someone they come with In-laws. Sometimes these in-laws aren't nice, or smart, or smell nice, or use their brains. And I would have to say something to them and it will cause a big old fight and everyone will be mad. So it's just better if we don't have in-laws.

9. They have baggage and I have enough of my own

Everyone has issues and background, and I respect that. However, I am still trying to recover from my own baggage and history and especially this past year. And I don't know how long it will take me to be "whole" again. So, I don't need to deal with someone else's baggage, and I don't need someone who will say they understand when actually they really don't. And then they get tired and aggravated and fights will happen and it will be a big mess.

10. Because I just don't want to

I DON"T WANT TO. It is that easy. I don't want to get married, I don't want kids. I just don't want to!

Before you start in on the "oh you're young, you'll change your mind" how about this, Sharon. I don't want to get married or have children. It is my body, my decision, the rest of my life. I don't want to be tied to someone forever. I just want to be happy. So leave me alone, and stop asking me every time you see me when I will get married.

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