10 Freshman Year Myths Explained
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10 Freshman Year Myths Explained

The truth comes out.

10 Freshman Year Myths Explained
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Holy wow. When I look back on my freshman year at college, the two words I think of are holy and wow, with a wide smile making its way across my face. Actually, I think of holy and another word that rhymes with pit, but that's another story for another time.

Going into my first year of college, I was just like every other confused, eager and other adjectives that you would use to an incoming college student. It was like deja vu back to kindergarten, when Mom and Dad dropped you off for the first time and you will full of excitement, but also trying to be the one who didn't cry. I was set to go with stories of friends and family ringing in my ears, telling me to "embrace it" and "this is the best four years of your life". While what my friends and family is true, there were definitely many myths I have heard. Let me explain.

1. Myth: Incoming freshman posts an Instagram with the caption, "Omigosh, (inset college name here) isn't ready for us (insert purple devil emoji).

Fact: Your college is ready for you. It has been ready for incoming freshman or any student for that matter since the year it was founded.

2. Myth: Eating in the dining hall alone is a huge "no", and people will automatically tag you as a "loner".

Fact: Some days, you are only going to have ten minutes to grab a bite before you have to dash to your practice. Honestly, no one in the school is keeping track of who you're eating with or if you're eating with someone. You're actually the one who cares the most. Plus, if you eat alone, there is more space for all of your plates.

3. Myth: You are going to be best friends with your roommate. #roommategoals

Fact:It's easy to get caught up with Pintrest boards filled with glittery lights, matching comforters, and throw pillows with flirty little sayings.. If you are lucky,this will have this happen to you two will leave happily ever after in your 12 by 12 room. But more times than not, you just kind of live with your roommate. You're friends in some context, but not the typical roommate goals. That's totally ok, just make your friends else where.

4. Myth: You have to party or you're simply "not cool".

Fact: You may choose to go out and party. You may choose to not go out and party. You may love the party scene. You may hate the party scene. Both of them are perfectly cool. Staying in does not make your lame, and for sure putting your education first does not make you lame. If you make that choice, I admire you for that and your real friends will too.

5. Myth: Gaining the Freshman 15 is inevitable! Sorry!

Fact:Breaking News: not gaining the dreaded Freshman 15 is possible! I have witnessed people not gain the Freshman 15! I have also seen people gain the weight and news flash-it wasn't the end of the world! As long as you are feeling good, this dumb myth should not weigh you down.

6. Myth: I am going to be friends with my high school friends forever. No friends in college can replace them.

Fact: True, no one can replace your high school friends. That's a given. They are the ones that saw you awkwardly kiss someone at your sophomore homecoming and they are the ones who loved you through your retainer phase. There will always be a special place in your heart for them. I am still friends with a handful of my best friends from high school and I wouldn't trade our memories for the world, but sadly I grew apart from some of them. There was no bad blood, but people grow, change, and move on. The thing is so will you.

7. Myth: Don't come to college having a boyfriend/girlfriend. It isn't going to work out anyways and this is prime time to be single.

Fact: One of my best friends came to college while her boyfriend was still back in Ohio in high school. Spoiler alert: she came to college with her boyfriend, and it worked out! It works out, if you make it work out. Simple as that.

8. Myth: Homesickness only lasts the first month or two.

Fact: Homesickness does hit pretty hard in the first month or two, then it simmers down as the days go on, but it doesn't fully stop. There are going to be days where you wish Mom was there to make you a home cooked five course meal after the cafeteria food sucked. You'll start to miss the little things you never thought you would miss about your home, like a dishwasher, free food, closet space, and hot water. It just makes it that much better to go home and visit!

9. Myth: This isn't high school, you can actually skip class without mom or dad calling you in! Score!

Fact:Do. Not. Skip. Class. Yes, you can possibly grab a few exact zzz's, but in the end you'll be behind everyone else, which will lead to stress you out even more, which will lead to staying up longer hours...which will lead to less sleep for you.

10. Myth: High school was the best four years of life.

Fact:False, college will be the best four years of your life. I have only done my freshman year of college and I would much rather do four more years of freshman year than redo high school. That's a fact.

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