My Top 10 Back To School Tips And Must Do's
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My Top 10 Back To School Tips And Must Do's

10 tips and tricks for high school and college students, or just for people who are looking to improve

My Top 10 Back To School Tips And Must Do's
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Say goodbye to the late nights and summer days, and say hello to the early mornings and fall breeze. Cue the essay writing, friend making, and Ramen eating. Its the beloved back to school time that some people would actually call beloved. I am one of those people. I have always loved school, and its no wonder I am in the Education program now. I get giddy when the back to school section is up at Target, and my favorite pens are only a dollar. I loved taking the AP and honors classes in high school, and I had plenty of college credits done before I even graduated. After thirteen years in school, and one year in college, I would hopefully have some tips and tricks for having the best school year ever. To put this introduction to rest, here are my top ten tips and must do's for back to school time:

1. To-Do Lists

I have tried the whole planner thing. I buy a cute but expensive planner for the next year, fill out the pages in color coded pens, and then stop about two weeks into school and never touch the book again. I honestly thing planners are a great tool, but you have to be very committed and in the habit of using them. The way I plan out my week is a sticky note. I have a ton of Post-It's from asking my boyfriend to a school dance a few years ago, and I finally found a valid reason to have them. I simply write down everything that I have to do for the week. The list includes working out, doing laundry, writing my Odyssey article, doing homework, watching my current shows, and cleaning my room. Every single thing I have to do I write down. So yes that includes watching the latest Once Upon A Time or The Walking Dead episode. Scheduling time to relax is super important, and if its on your to-do list it is super satisfying to cross it off.

2. Don't Buy Your Textbooks Before Class Starts

Depending on who you talk to this is a stupid tip. In my schooling experience I have learned this simple rule many times. Online it says that every class needs the crazy expensive textbook and that you have to have it. However, when you walk into class the first day the Professor says that you will never use the book so don't buy it. Now you have a hundred dollar paper weight, and you get to eat Ramen for the next week. Sometimes you will need the book, but I have never had a Professor who doesn't give you a week or so to get the book. This will save you money, and stress!

3. Get Involved

I know you have heard this before, but its good advice. High Schools and colleges have countless clubs and organizations that you can be a part of. I have been involved in clubs and activities as long as I can remember and I loved school. I absolutely think that the two are related, and that being involved makes school a million times better.

4. Stay Organized

This is also a repeated piece of advice but don't doubt it. Having organized notes and a place for everything to go is super important. If your energy is spent editing your paper rather than looking for the rubric in the mess of a backpack that you carry around, you will get better grades and get more done.

5. Write Good Essays

You will always have to write another essay. It is important to learn how to write a good paper, and to leave yourself time to edit. Waiting until the last minute to write is never a good idea. A good way to not procrastinate is to make a to-do list (hint hint). I have a great formula for writing and organizing long papers. I won't take credit for this idea, because I originally saw it on Pinterest, but it has never failed me. If you had to write a ten page paper, it seems like a long and difficult task. If you think about how long a ten page paper is, it is a ton of words and ideas. Here's the formula. There are about three good sized paragraph's per page. The first and last paragraphs are the introduction and conclusion. That leaves twenty-eight paragraphs that you have to write. If you make a list of twenty-eight topics or ideas and write them down, you then have an idea for every single paragraph in the paper. The next step is to organize them into a good order, and there you go. It is much easier to plan out what you are going to talk about than to just wing it.

6. Study How You Want To

I have heard countless ways to study. Flashcards, study groups, timelines, rewriting notes, and many more. I personally pace around the room, and think about what I would say if I were teaching the material. If you can teach someone else the information, then you understand it. I am sure I look odd pacing while moving my hands, which is a habit I developed when I was very young and helped me learn to love sign language, but who cares. I get good grades, and I learn that way.

7. Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Take weird classes! One of my roommates actually took a class about chocolate. When else are you going to get to take a class like that? I personally took a Zumba class and LOVED it. I had never done Zumba before, and I learned a lot. Don't be afraid to get out there. You will discover things you love, and make new friends.

8. Don't Cram Study

I have never understood why people do this. If you are studying for a test, you will be better off getting a good night's sleep and eating a good breakfast then staying up late studying information you have read over and over. Give your brain a break and relax a little. Your grades will thank you.

9. Make Good Food Choices

Your weight gain is not just limited to your freshman year. Don't visit the dessert bar every meal, don't drink soda everyday, get the veggies offered in the line, and make sure to eat fruits. Eating junk food seems a lot cheaper, but you can find good, healthy food for good prices too. Although cheap, eating Cup of Noodles every night is not smart. Just because it says "all you can eat" doesn't mean you should.

10. Relax

Don't be afraid to hang out with your roommates instead of studying for the extra 30 minutes. Don't be afraid to go to the football and basketball games. Have fun while in school. The time goes by way too fast, and you don't want to regret anything. You can graduate with memories and good grades. I promise it's possible.

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