It's hard to find the good in the world when it seems like there is the bad everywhere you look. Unless you have been living under a rock, it is pretty obvious that the United States has been going through a series of unfortunate events these past few weeks - specifically about racism and police brutality.
Watch any of these videos and maybe you can see why I have a problem with Black Lives Matter.
Please tell me how blocking off highways, screaming obscenities, harassing a news reporter, and invading his personal space qualifies as a protest. Tell me how spewing anti-police rhetoric promotes respect for all people. Tell me how dressing cops as pigs and "gutting them up" gets anything done. Tell me how rioting, looting, setting everything on fire, pushing over police cars, endangering everyone's lives, and destroying your entire community advocates for social justice.
That's not protest. That's just violence.
"Oh, but not all protesters and protests are like that! You can't generalize Black Lives Matter with these kind of people."
You're absolutely correct. Some protests are pretty peaceful. Just take a look at this one:
If people shouldn't paint the Black Lives Matter community with these violent protesters, shouldn't they do the same thing with police officers? Yes, I am aware that police brutality exists. But saying that all cops are corrupt is no better than saying all African Americans are criminals. For God's sake, people, the law enforcement's job is to protect us! You don't want cops to pull out their gun? Don't commit crimes. Don't resist. Don't be disrespectful. How complicated is that to comprehend?
Next time you even think about disrespecting a cop, just remember the ones who wake up everyday to put on that blue uniform and gold badge for a pathetic salary and horrible hours. Remember the officer who stopped the drunk driver from causing a car crash that could have killed your family. Remember the officer that caught the thief that just stole from you. Remember the officer who just pulled over someone for speeding and not wearing a seatbelt because he probably just saved his life. Remember the ones who risk their lives every day to protect those who seem to care so little.
Photo credit: Dallas Police Department
Photo credit: Pancho and Lefty
Yes, I am aware racism exists in this world. I am Asian, so I have experienced it before. Black, white, brown, dark, light, tan - whatever shade you may be - we all bleed the color red. And how much more blood needs to be spilled before we realize that the pigment of our skin literally does not matter? You can be both anti-police brutality and pro-black lives. It's called being a decent human being, and you don't need a hashtag for that.
I'm fine with people saying Black Lives Matter as long as the message behind it is not "Black Lives Matter... More Than Blue Lives." And vice versa.
What I'm not fine with is people thinking their lives matter more than others.
Now, go out and love one another. God knows the world needs more of it.