Musicals That Non-Thespians Will Love | The Odyssey Online
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Musicals That Non-Thespians Will Love

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Musicals That Non-Thespians Will Love

Only a select group of youth today show any interest in the musical stylings of cats, early 20th century matchmakers, and incredibly optimistic red headed orphans. Yes, musical theatre, heck, theatre in general, is an acquired taste, and those that don't fully appreciate it don't know the impact that a perfectly executed grapevine can have on an opening number.

Recently, show that have opened Broadway have done an incredible job at engaging younger audiences while still captivating those that have been going to theater for decades. Shows like Hamilton: An American Musical have not only been successful at engaging and teaching younger audiences, but have also challenged the system with diverse casts. Shows like Dear Evan Hansen have addressed mental health and the challenges that come along with high school. Not only are the messages new and complex, but writers, lyricists, directors, and composers have even incorporated modern musical styles into shows in order to draw in bigger audiences. They have taken movies and stories from our childhoods and put them on stage, bringing back fond memories and creating completely new experiences.

If you have never been one to go see plays and musicals for fun, the rest of this article may convince you otherwise. Here are shows that have recently opened or are scheduled to open within the next year or so.

Recently Opened or Currently in Previews

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Previews: March 28, 2017

Opens: April 23, 2017


Previews: March 23, 2017

Opens: April 24, 2017

The Lightning Thief: the Percy Jackson Musical (Off-Broadway)

Opening: It's Open!

Target Opening Announced


Opening: Spring 2018

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts 1 and 2

Opening: Spring 2018

Being Worked On (As We Speak!)

13 Going on 30

Opening: To be announced

17 Again

Opening: To be announced


Opening: To be announced

The Bodyguard

Opening: To be announced

The Devil Wears Prada

Opening: To be announced

Mean Girls

Opening: To be announced (but hopefully soon!)

Spongebob: The Musical

Opening: 2017 (targeted)

Information for these shows (excluding The Lightning Thief) was found on

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