What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear mountain biking?
Well, when I first heard of this term it was because a guy I liked was telling me about his hobbies. I smiled and pretended I was totally interested in learning. Before we ever went though, we just rode bikes on paved trails because I hadn't ridden a bike since I was 12. Not going to lie, it was really hard at first and I almost crashed just riding down the street. However, after several months of riding on paved trails, he took me on my first mountain bike trail.
Although we had talked about what it was going to be like multiple times, I was never actually prepared for what it really was. By the end of the short trail ride, I was completely red in the face and exhausted, but I had never done anything so exhilarating in my life. Naturally, I went out and bought a trek and have been a shredder ever since. So let me tell you what mountain biking is like!
This Is What It Looks Like
Sorry, riding your bike down the hill in your backyard doesn't count.
Not enough girls mountain bike!
Unless your family is big into mountain biking, chances are if you're a girl, you probably haven't been. It is all too common that girls only mountain bike because of their boyfriend.
Be prepared to fall... a lot...
Falling is just a part of it. No matter how much training or experience you have, chances are you're going to take a few spills. Crashes always make fun stories for your fellow riders though! Plus now you have some cool bruises to show everyone that you're hard core.
Being in shape will make mountain biking easier
Having some leg muscles and stamina isn't a bad idea. A 4 mile bike trail is pretty simple, but could easily wear you out if you're not in shape.
Danny MacAskill will become your idol
You will become a bike snob
Bike brands are like purse brands, i.e. Coach vs. Kate Spade. Except in this case it's Trek vs. Giant. (Come on, we all know it's Trek.) When you see a Walmart mountain bike you know they're a newbie.
You really only live for the downhill
Unfortunately, super awesome downhill flow trails require a fair amount of uphill work first. No shame if you walk it.
There are so many inspiring mountain bike stories
Watch this and tell me you're not inspired.
Although carbon fiber is healthier than cocaine, it is more expensive
Carbon fiber bike vs. non-carbon fiber bike... Carbon fiber frames and bike parts are the dream, but we're not all rich and sponsored.
Don't you want a furry mountain bike buddy?
You're lying if you don't.
Once someone calls you a total shredder, you've achieved the highest status.
It will bring you joy and the best people you'll meet
Everyone you meet on the trails are so friendly. Each time I go, I always have unforgettable experiences.